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Post Info TOPIC: Monte Carlo Pick 'Em. Scores and Analysis

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RE: Monte Carlo Pick 'Em. Scores and Analysis

End of R2 - lead by an average of 31.92-29.72 points per team member after 40 matches.

     1Chrissi       AM     16    3766.1%
     1english-boy   AM     18    3766.1%
     3Xenon21       AM     16    3664.3%
     3Kels          AM     16    3664.3%
     3Rochelle      BT     14    3664.3%
     6Robert Hulse  AM     16    3562.5%
     6silk          AM     14    3562.5%
     6Vimto         AM     16    3562.5%
   -Roberta (*)   -     16    3562.5%
     6Allan         AM     16    3562.5%
   10Guy           BT     16    3460.7%
   10Granny        AM     16    3460.7%
   12Claire Morris AM     14    3358.9%
   12Goldfish      BT     14    3358.9%
   14Speedy Hawk   AM     14    3257.1%
   14Fiona Lamb    AM     14    3257.1%
   16Richard MorrisAM     12    3155.4%
   16WallaceEMann  BT     12    3155.4%
   16Wendy         AM     12    3155.4%
   16SarahWiser    AM     14    3155.4%
   16Count Zero    BT     14    3155.4%
   16djmac13       BT     14    3155.4%
   16murraymaniac  AM     14    3155.4%

-- Edited by steven at 20:38, 2007-04-18


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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   23Drew          BT     10    3053.6%
   23Josh          BT     12    3053.6%
   23cazza99       AM     14    3053.6%
   23Sheddie       BT     14    3053.6%
   23Seagull       BT     14    3053.6%
   23Aria81        BT     14    3053.6%
   23ForeverDelayedBT     14    3053.6%
   23Spraggz       AM     16    3053.6%
   31JambondusoleilAM     12    2951.8%
   31Shaun7879     AM     12    2951.8%
   31Sound (Lewis) AM     12    2951.8%
   34AllyB         AM     10    2850.0%
   34Vamos08       AM     12    2850.0%
   34Dusty Dick    BT     14    2850.0%
   37Johnnylad     BT     10    2748.2%
   37steven        BT     12    2748.2%
   37John          BT     12    2748.2%
   40Imoen         BT     10    2646.4%
   41Mkkreuk       BT     10    2442.9%
   -King Kong (#) -      7.5    2239.3%
   42Donna         AM      6    2239.3%

8 AMs in the top 9. Gulp! ashamed

Top scorer today was new joint leader english-boy (AM) with 9 correct, he also top scored for the whole of R2, with 11 correct, i.e. 22 points. Everyone else except poor Donna (AM, 3 right) got 5 or more out of 12 today and 7/16 or more in total for R2.

Highest climber today was spraggz (AM), up from 40= to 23= after being the only person not in the top half after R1 to more than 7 matches correct today - he/she must not have lost too many players in R1 whom he/she had picked to win R2 as well.

Fallers of the day were Drew (BT), down from 4= to 23= cry, AllyB (AM) down from 16= to 34= cry and Johnnylad (BT) down from 22= to 37= cry - they all got 5 right today. Luckily (?) for me, I couldn't fall much further! ashamed



GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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This tournament has been weird. Undertaker losing on clay to Soderling - what the hell happened there? Gonzo is still suffering from his post AO slump, Fat Dave and Safin did what they seem to do best now and Max Mirnyi is winning singles matches on a clay court...

Strange tournament.


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aria81 wrote:

This tournament has been weird. Undertaker losing on clay to Soderling - what the hell happened there? Gonzo is still suffering from his post AO slump, Fat Dave and Safin did what they seem to do best now and Max Mirnyi is winning singles matches on a clay court...

Strange tournament.

I know. All the most intelligent pickers are at the bottom (*COUGH*), it's just the players who have turned stupid! furiouswink

Goodness knows why I spent time looking at clay court form before making my picks, that's for sure. cry


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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Detailed results as at the end of R2:


Fed-HT Lee

Nobody went for HT - everyone went for Fed except murraymaniac (AM), who went for Moya.

0.17 swing to BT if Fed wins, 0 swing if Lee wins


14 BTs and 21 AMs went for Djokovic, 4 BTs (Josh, seagull, Johnnylad & mkkreuk) and 1 AM went for Ferrer, 2 AMs (sound & AllyB) went for Gaudio.

0.72 swing to BT if Ferrer wins, 0.39 swing to AM if Djoko wins.


3 BTs (sheddie, Wallace & Dusty) and 3 AMs (silk, R Morris & Shaun) went for Ferrero, nobody went for Andreev. The rest were split 11 BTs & 21 AMs for Gonzo, 3 BTs for Acasuso and 1 BT (John) for Henman, having expected Tigger to meet Andy in the Final. Awww ...

0.17 swing to BT if Ferrero wins, 0 swing if Andreev wins.


This is the BIG match on Thursday as far as the team competition is concerned.

14 BTs & 12 AMs went for Gasquet, 3 BTs and 10 AMs went for Ljubo (sorry, this is the one case where I won't list the minority pickers individually!), 1 BT went for Monfils, 1 AM for Count Duckula-Hingis and 1 AM for Hrbaty.

1.11 swing to BT if Gasquet wins, 1.00 swing to AM if Ljubo wins.


Another match with more than 1 point of potential swing from one extreme to the other.

17 BTs & 18 AMs went for Robredo, 0 BTs & 4 AMs (Chrissi, Kels, R Hulse & Speedy) went for Berdych, so Berdych could once again do BT some damage. 1 BT (Drew) & 1 AM (Vamos) went for Almagro, 1 AM (Donna) went for ToJo.

0.78 swing to BT if Robredo wins, 0.67 swing to AM if Berdych wins.


1 BT (Guy) & 4 AMs (R Hulse, C Morris, R Morris & cazza) went for Soderling, nobody went for Mirnyi. Of the rest, 14 BTs & 14 AMs went for the Undertaker, 2 BTs & 6 AMs for Baggy and 1 BT for Melzer.

0.45 swing to AM if Soderling wins, 0 swing if Mirnyi wins.

Andy/Garcia-Lopez v Kohlschreiber

15 BTs and all 24 AMs went for Garcia-Murray, nobody went for Kohlschreiber. The other 3 BTs (CountZero, ForeverDelayed & JohnnyLad) went for big Dave.

0.67 swing to AM if Murray-Lopez wins, 0 swing if Kohli wins.


Nobody went for Vliegen - everyone went for Rafa except Sound (AM), who went for Mathieu.

0.17 swing to BT if Rafa wins.

Best case scenario for BT

If Fed, Ferrer, Ferrero, Gasquet, Robredo, Mirnyi, Kohlschreiber & Rafa all win, BT would end the day 0.92 points per player ahead.

Best case scenario for AM

If Lee, Djokovic, Andreev, Ljubicic, Berdych, Soderling, Garcia-Lopez & Vliegen all win, AM would end the day 5.36 points per player ahead.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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Things are getting a bit desperate for us this morning, with only Guy scoring any points for us (4) and 32 points scored for in the first two matches. That was thanks to Soderling winning again and Robredo capitulating against Berdych having won the 1st set 6-1.

Not sure who I'm more annoyed with - Robredo for not pressing home his advantage or Berdych for losing every time I pick him, wwaiting until I finally give up on him then starting to win all the time. furiousfuriousfuriousfurious lead by an average of 33.25-29.94 points per team member after 42 matches.

Players still on 50% or more:

     1Robert Hulse  AM      8    4367.2%
     2Chrissi       AM      4    4164.1%
     3Kels          AM      4    4062.5%
     4Guy           BT      4    3859.4%
     5english-boy   AM      0    3757.8%
     5Claire Morris AM      4    3757.8%
     7Xenon21       AM      0    3656.3%
     7Rochelle      BT      0    3656.3%
     7Speedy Hawk   AM      4    3656.3%
   10silk          AM      0    3554.7%
   10Vimto         AM      0    3554.7%
   -Roberta (*)   -      0    3554.7%
   10Allan         AM      0    3554.7%
   10Richard MorrisAM      4    3554.7%
   14Granny        AM      0    3453.1%
   14cazza99       AM      4    3453.1%
   16Goldfish      BT      0    3351.6%
   17Fiona Lamb    AM      0    3250.0%


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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Steven, where was the update after the 1st match of the day (Soderling) - I'd stormed into the lead for the first (and most likely only) time!!

Edit - grrr, i would only have been 2nd, i needed Robredo to win to take the top spot

-- Edited by GC77 at 12:11, 2007-04-19



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Date: are we getting smashed so bad cry.gif Good job (in a way) that Andy had to withdraw otherwise this could have been humiliating


Tennis legend

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GC77 wrote:

Steven, where was the update after the 1st match of the day (Soderling) - I'd stormed into the lead for the first (and most likely only) time!!

If there had been a BT in the lead, there's no way I wouldn't have posted it here. wink


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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Steven, any idea which AM went for Ferrer?


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Sheddie wrote: are we getting smashed so bad cry.gif

Very simple - the majority of our entrants made an allowance for the surface, the majority of theirs didn't. Then Karlovic won in Houston, it turned out that the Monte Carlo clay is playing faster than Wimbledon this year (well, almost!) and the whole world's gone bananas! doh

I mean Soderling v Mirnyi in the L16, Berdych finally winning some matches, HT Lee in the L16, Garcia-Lopez v Kohlschreiber in the last 16 - I ask you!! furious

There have also been four retirements during matches, all of which helped them if I remember right. (they were all my picks anyway!)


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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Tennis legend

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GC77 wrote:

Steven, any idea which AM went for Ferrer?

Silk. Sorry I didn't include that snippet of info in the preview.

Edit: just looked and the table and realised that was the answer you probably wanted the least. cry

-- Edited by steven at 12:31, 2007-04-19


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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Thanks Steven, think i need Soderling to reach the semis and Nadal to win the tournament to have a chance of winning overall - too many of the big names are still in. Unless of course someone like Andreev (who was awesome in the 3rd set against Gonzo yesterday) comes through to win the tournament.


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We've closed the gap a little - tiny swing from Fed's win, bigger swing from Ferrer's win (though only 4 of us went for him to beat Djokovic and I wasn't one of them) ... lead by an average of 37.25-34.83 points per team member after 44 matches.

Top 19:

     1Robert Hulse  AM     12    4765.3%
     2Chrissi       AM      8    4562.5%
     3Kels          AM      8    4461.1%
     4silk          AM      8    4359.7%
     5Guy           BT      8    4258.3%
     6english-boy   AM      4    4156.9%
     6Claire Morris AM      8    4156.9%
     8Xenon21       AM      4    4055.6%
     8Rochelle      BT      4    4055.6%
     8Speedy Hawk   AM      8    4055.6%
   11Vimto         AM      4    3954.2%
   -Roberta (*)   -      4    3954.2%
   11Allan         AM      4    3954.2%
   11Richard MorrisAM      8    3954.2%
   14Granny        AM      4    3852.8%
   14cazza99       AM      8    3852.8%
   14Josh          BT      8    3852.8%
   14Seagull       BT      8    3852.8%
   18Goldfish      BT      4    3751.4%
   19Fiona Lamb    AM      4    3650.0%


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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I think I had Ferrer to beat Nole? Am i right?

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