wolf wrote:Good defence by Makarova on break point down, it was crying out for Katie to come to the net though. Some massive hitting to get a second chance but saved.
Good defence by Makarova on break point down, it was crying out for Katie to come to the net though. Some massive hitting to get a second chance but saved.
Yes. It's not in her comfort zone though.
Julia Carrot wrote:So unfair, Katies challenge correct and she would have broken. I know rules is rules but bah
So unfair, Katies challenge correct and she would have broken. I know rules is rules but bah
I tweeted the same thing, but deleted it after replaying the point, Makarova got the ball back.
Ace Ventura wrote:Big let off there mind.
Big let off there mind.
Makarova being a mental midget might yet save her.
Julia Carrot wrote:Well I dont know what a super tie break is - heres hoping I get the chance to learn right now
Well I dont know what a super tie break is - heres hoping I get the chance to learn right now
Same as normal but first to 10, like doubles.