Jay Clarke now up to WR 43 - with quite a few of the older boys due to drop out in January, he will be a direct entry into Aus Open juniors with half a chance of a seeding.(depending on what he does in the next few months)
Just to mention too the performances of our real youngsters (as they make their way up the rankings).
In the girls, Gemman Heath (2001) is now JWR 539 (+ 76) and Destinee Martins (2001) is now JWR 749 (+ 64).
In the boys, Jake (as shown above) leads the 2000-ers. Also, to note, Ewan Lumsden (born 2000, brother of Maia) is JWR 637 (+ 66); Aidan McHugh (2000) is JWR 893 (+ 23) and Brandon Murphy (2000) is +378 at JWR 1388