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you've not added Roberta


Admin: Moderator+Tennis Legend

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Lol, I'm not sure we can count her as she's not a member of the forum.


To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty

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Roberta would like to let it be known that she only plays for herself and intends to thrash both boards and claim the glory for herself ... again!


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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OK, the entry spreadsheet is now ready for the draw to be added, which I'll do very soon. The entry sheets now have extra checks and cell protection to attempt to stop people inadvertently messing up their entries.

I still have to enhance the master sheet to cope with the extra entries (not a trivial task, but not too bad either), a backlog of real work to do and an event to organise in London this weekend, so if we're going to get this show on the road, I need HELP between now and Wednesday to process the entries.

It's clear from responses to my original request that nobody wants to commit to doing everything (and that's fair enough, obviously), so, in true style, let's make this a co-operative effort ... (hopefully)

I need:

1) One person for people to send the entries to - for each entrant, it means opening an email attachment (the entry sheet) and copying and pasting their entry onto one tab of the master sheet. A bit tedious, but not difficult. It will probably take about 1-2 hours on Wednesday afternoon / early evening (entries close at 2 pm GMT), but you won't need to be involved after that, unless you want to be.

2) One person who is happy to email the sheet to anyone who can't get it to download. People try to download it / if they can't they pm you / you send the sheet to them. It won't take much time, but it needs someone who can check their pms quite frequently on Wednesday during the day (which counts me out), since that is when the panic will set in LOL.

(David - I probably need someone from to do this too, since people who are only on can't pm someone on here)

3) One person who is willing to fill in the sheet for anyone who doesn't have Excel and supplies text picks instead - it's just the same as filling in your own sheet, really.  Probably about 30-60 minutes on Wednesday afternoon / early evening will do it. I'll publish the entry sheets for these people to the web so that they can check you filled them in ok (since that'll stop you having to check quite so closely) - if anyone complains, you'll just need to check from their text entry that it was your mistake and that they aren't trying to pull the wool over our eyes because the first match hasn't gone their way.

Of course, the same person can do more than one of these, I'm just trying to make it possible for people to help without too much commitment.

Anyway, I can't publish the entry sheet until I at least have an email address for 1), preferably 2) and 3) as well but 1) is essential, so I need volunteers fast!

If you can volunteer for any of these things, please say so here (so that I don't get 3 volunteers for one job and none for the other twos!) and pm me your email address.

Many thanks (and David, next time you want to invite another board to do a competition, please check that we've got the logistics in place first LOL)

-- Edited by steven at 22:23, 2007-03-19


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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// Edit: I can't do any as I'll be at uni. Stupid time zones.

-- Edited by The Panda Bear at 22:20, 2007-03-19



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i can do 2. should be able to check my pms as wil be in the office and email out ok.



Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.

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I'm at work 1.30pm til 9pm wednesday. if i can stil be of use outside of these hours, let me know


Of all tyrannies a tyranny exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive....  those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience

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Thanks Count for offering to do 2) (David - I still need an rep to do this as well - see a few posts down for what 2) is - 3) could be split between someone from here and someone from too)

I still need:

1) One person for people to send the entries to - for each entrant, it means opening an email attachment (the entry sheet) and copying and pasting their entry onto one tab of the master sheet. A bit tedious, but not difficult. It will probably take about 1-2 hours on Wednesday afternoon / early evening (entries close at 2 pm GMT), but you won't need to be involved after that, unless you want to be.

3) One person who is willing to fill in the sheet for anyone who doesn't have Excel and supplies text picks instead - it's just the same as filling in your own sheet, really.  Probably about 30-60 minutes on Wednesday afternoon / early evening will do it. I'll publish the entry sheets for these people to the web so that they can check you filled them in ok (since that'll stop you having to check quite so closely) - if anyone complains, you'll just need to check from their text entry that it was your mistake and that they aren't trying to pull the wool over our eyes because the first match hasn't gone their way.

If you can volunteer for any of these things, please say so here (so that I don't get 3 volunteers for one job and none for the other twos!) and pm me your email address.

I've got the draw ready now, but can't make it downloadable until I have someone for task 1) above


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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I'm happy to take on job 1 but might need a little help from you before you go away.


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OK: update - thanks Josh and Count

It sounds like Josh will be the one receiving the entries and pasting them into the master sheet - I'm just checking that he's happy for me to put his email address on the entry sheet and then I'll make it downloadable from the competitions page - hopefully by lunchtime tomorrow so that you get at least 24 hours to enter.

Count Zero will be available to be pm'ed with a request for the sheet to be emailed to you if you can't get the download to work (but please do try it first) - I've asked David to make sure there's someone on ready to do this for them too, since members can't pm the Count.

I've decided that the team captains should be responsible for collecting text entries from members of their teams who don't have Excel and for transcribing them onto the entry sheet, or nominating someone to do that - that way, if anyone mis-copies something,  it's a member of their own team that they mess up, not a member of the other team.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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I'm willing to provide as much help as I can....can do (3) definately.

I have a volunteer for in Xenon. I will send her an email about all of this.

Do you need any help in calculating scores too once the comp is underway ? Given that Bethan will be away


Tennis legend

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Thanks David.  I'm replying to this in two pms (one in reply to yours, one I'm about to write re the scoring)



GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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great stuff



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Exterminate !!!

Exterminate !!!


Tennis legend

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The ever-obliging sheddie has apparently promised that the entry sheet will be available overnight tonight (*), so I've put it online with an email address that goes to me shown in the spreadsheet. When/if Josh confirms that it's ok to use his, I'll change it.

So, to avoid me having to forward lots of emails, please only download the entry sheet now if you need to get it done fast. (N.B. deadline is 2 pm on Wednesday, when R1 is due to start)

An entry sheet with the correct email address on it should be available later today (I'll post here when it is) and if you'll have time to fill in your sheet on Wednesday morning, you might prefer to wait until then, when a revised version with the qualifiers placed in the draw will be available, assuming the full draw is posted on the Miami site before I give up and go to bed on Tuesday night.

If you do need the sheet now, you can access it via - the entry page this leads to has full instructions, whether you have Excel or not.

Comments/bug reports (if any) asap please, i.e. preferably before anyone from gets there.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

GB top 25s (ranks, whereabouts) & stats -

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