Well i made it to the press room and my new laptop connected to the net without a hitch....one hitch so far....I walked in with Greg Rusedski and said hello to Jamie, Elena, James and Katie...should not have been there...never mind....i am a rookie at this after all!
So got a good spot and will post the main details of the press conference ASAP.
Starts at 3.00pm with Greg, James, Elena and Katie. Andy is at 5.00pm.
Now the bed news....my wife has called me and I have to take my in-laws to the airport in Edinburgh...so I will just catch the start of Andys conference.
Back is at 70% and has not played a match in 5 mths.
Really enjoyed the French connection tennis academy and they have given her so much good support.
She says she is 3-4 weeks away from full fitness. I asked her re her plans for her next event......Intends to play mid-January in Challengers in England but has not signed up to any yet.
he said..."no just like being late".....me...."what you get up later than Andy"....Aucks...."no one gets up that late"
Jamie was standing with him....(me) ..."Jamie wasnt very nice to you in the PC (joking)"...aucks "Oh i cant stand him either" Jamie laughs...they hug and go off for a photo shoot !