Gonzo serving at 36- 5-3 15-0. missed the pt 30-0. Easy volley for gonzo set up with a powerful forehand to the corner 40-0. Three set pts - dreadful volley from the young scot. He had the whole court open and it went miles wide 40-15. Powerful deep forehand from andy and gonzo tries something spectacular but it goes nowhere near GAME and second set. murray's sliced backhand down the line sails narrowly wide
Murray serving first in the third set 15-0. Good serve, gonzo nets the return 30-0. Gonzo nets a backhand 30-15. Powerful forehand from gonzo to the corner and murray can only net 40-15. Murray feigns that he'll hit the ball towards gonzo but hits a winner down the line into the open court ARGH ive lost the feed!! back now/// GAME. Gonzo strays wide with a backhand
Gonzo serving at 0-1 in the third 15-0. Serve forces murray wide and as a result his forehand return is wide 15-15. Gonzo doesnt do enough with a volley and murray produces a brilliant pass 30-15. Murray nets 40-15. Great pt. Murray produces what looks to be a winning pass but somehow gonzo gets his racket to the ball and produces a stunning stop volley GAME. Gonzo fires a shot straight at andy and his return is wide
murray serving at 1-1 in the third 0-15 Murray nets 0-30 Backhand sails wide 15-30. Easy winner down the line 30-30. Again gonzo tries to attack the the murray second serve but nets. 30-40. Murray shows great defensive play but is run out of it - he nets a tough return GAME. Double fault Gonzalez leads 2-1 in the 3rd set
Gonzalez serving at 3-6 6-3 2-1 15-0. Service return is long 30-0. Murray is way too casual with his drop shot - it drifts wide 40-0. Nice tough volley from Gonzo. GAME. ACE