Keith wrote: And I've got it on Max TV, at least for now
How about letting us know how well they are playing?
Murray looks good, and is playing some nice points, and has already had 3 well deserved break points, sadly though, taken none. As you know, Murray's held his only service game to love, and if he keeps serving like that, he'll do good.
At 40-15, Roddick comes to the net, and it pressures Murray into an error, although, Roddick hits the ball into the middle of the net during the next point. Murray will hopefully now break.
At 15-30, Murray makes an UE, and then Roddick hits an ace, 40-30. A fantastic low passing shot makes it duece. Roddick gets advantage after a poor shot from Murray, then a good smash from the back of the court after a high lob from Murray gives A-Rod the game.