Any one notice the young tennis pro along side Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal on the front page of the ATP site entry page...its promoting their new contest "pick'em contest" this prophetic.....Andy Murray for World Number 3 soon ???
i tell ya i hope andy gets to play federer..well he should do i will be on of his only fans at that match because you know how many people like federer
Andy also has fans from Belgium, France, New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Spain, India and Ireland. I've definately missed out quite a few other countries but I can't remember these.
By the way, the diagram on the "list all users" page is now a lot more accurate [It used to say that Sally was in Holland and Drew was in either Norway or USA but it seems to have sorted itself].
The only anomaly left which I'm aware of is that it persists in showing that maroonsox is from Iran when in fact he's in Essex, lol