Madeline wrote: Well done, Tim (but I still want Andy to win)
My sentiments entirely. I want to see what Andy can do against Federer now, nearly a year after Bankok. Plus, much as I love him I really can't see Tim beating Federer.
Tim races to 0-30 in the first game of set 2. But Andy wins four points in a row to take the game.
Amazingly Andy has a first serve % of 60, that's higher than Tim!
To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty
You gotta give credit to Tim - he's got his tactics spot on so far and the court is really helping him but Andy will be disappointed I think. He's made some costly errors and I think he's letting Tim dominate a bit much at the moment. That's probably understandable considering how much he's played recently but it would be good to see him bully Tim around a bit.
Like there the now - Andy has a chance to break and has a volley but instead of hitting it at Henman he hits it softer and Tim kills it. Andy took the next one though,
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