Andrew Murray is from a rich background like Henman which is not there fault but is not the rising star everyone really wanted to have a chance of winning wimbledon. This lad is grumpy, full of himself and expects everyone to worship him like he is god's gift. You walk down your local tennis club and its 400 quid a year to sign up which proves Tennis is run by toffs and played by toffs when there are talented kids from even middle class backgrounds that dont get the opportunity.
I don't know where you got the idea that Murray was from an upperclass background, but if that's the assumption you want to make then go for it.
I have no doubt that tennis is far too expensive, especially if you want to join clubs, but to maintain that it's only 'toffs' who can make it in Britain is ridiculous and I think that excuse is pretty much just that - an excuse.
Yes, it's easier if you come from a well off family, or if, like Andy your mother is a tennis coach, but that's not the only way to make it in the sport. I think a lot of people who cry about 'it's not fair - I'm just as talented and I didn't get the opportunities' tend to be looking for excuses as to why they didn't make it. I know I was never very talented at tennis, but I had plenty opportunities to play despite not coming from a wee off background. We drew chalk courts on the carpark near us and made nets, we went to the local public tennis courts and we played. It's a load of nonsense that you need to be well off to play tennis imo.