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Post Info TOPIC: Week 26 - WTA500 - Eastbourne, Great Britain Grass

Futures level

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RE: Week 26 - WTA500 - Eastbourne, Great Britain Grass

PaulM wrote:

Ranah competing well but a little overmatched by a very solid top pro. Absolutely not a million miles away though.

3-6 *4-4

She did actually have a point for 4-1* in the second set, but Linette broke back.

-- Edited by PaulM on Sunday 23rd of June 2024 11:22:49 AM

 Yes she's doing well and moving Linette around at times and then finishing off the points she's set up well. Just can't be consistent enough to get ahead and as you say she's playing someone with a solid pedigree. 


Futures level

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And then she only goes and takes the second set! Come on Ranah!


Tennis legend

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This is the best I've seen Ranah play for ages

Even if she ends up losing

Way better than yesterday (when she won)

But, of course, that's because she's HAVING to play way better - Linetter is playing well, very solid, good depth and penetration on her balls - Ranah's having to lift her game to stay with her

I thought she'd blown it at the end of that second set when she nearly broke, didn't, then was very near to getting broken herself

But a super way to hold, and then break, to take the second set :)


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Amazing effort to hold from *15-40, and then goes up 40-15*. She starts moving the right way and I think it puts Linette off as she's swinging through her smash and she forces it wide.

Here we go into a third!


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That's a shame, Ranah is broken but gets 40-15* to break back. Both points well saved by Linette though. Solid hold to settle things slightly just there though.



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That's one of those matches where your player performs really well, no regrets, a real step up from previous matches, and applies herself right to the end, focused and playing as she should
The fact that Magda had just a little bit more solidity/experience when it mattered is neither here nor there


Futures level

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Yes. I hope that boosts Ranah's confidence putting on a very decent performance.



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Ella is playing very well, here's hoping..........

-- Edited by nightowl on Sunday 23rd of June 2024 12:46:25 PM


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Q2: STOIBER, Ranah (GBR) WC 678 (CH=617 2024) lost to LINETTE, Magda (POL) (1) 45 (CH=19 2023) 3-6 6-4 2-6
Q2: MCDONALD, Ella (GBR) WC 783 =CH {18yo JCH=8} lost to KRUEGER, Ashlyn (USA) (11) 70 (CH=65 2024 4-6 0-6

They have had a good eight days at Ilkley and Eastbourne. I think Ella has just notched up the best five results of her career beating players ranked 196, 298, 158, 200 and 50. I don't think she had beaten any player inside the top 300 before. She seems to like playing on home turf.

-- Edited by Peter too on Sunday 23rd of June 2024 01:36:17 PM


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QR2:- Ranah Stoiber (GBR) WR678 [QWC] lost to Magda Linette (POL) WR45 [Q1] 3-6 6-4 6-2

QR2:- Ella McDOnald (GBR) WR783 [QWC] lost to Ashlyn Kruegar (USA) WR70 [Q11] 4-6 0-6


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Given Eastbourne's tradition of withdrawals, worth hanging around for a few days by the sea!


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Katie gets Martic (LL).


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Martic was one of 5 lucky losers last year and Katie played her in R1 back then as well. Martic won 4&4 but then Katie was ranked 88 and Martic 30, this time their rankings have virtually reversed (subject to movement in the new rankings tomorrow!) - Katie 31 and Martic 77.


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Club Coach

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I think this draw may change yet with some expected withdrawal from some seeds. However, I think Katie will get revenge against Petra if not


Tennis legend

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Pegula has released a statement saying she is not sure if she's playing, she's going to see how she recovers in the next few hours

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