Could I please replace Katie Swan with Fran. I really rate Katie but I can't see her regaining anything like the ranking she deserves by the end of the year.
Hi, the addict - could I please replace Hannah with Marni
(I could have replaced Katie Swan instead - it seems more logical in a way - but if I do Hannah, Marni will count as #8, if I've got it right, whereas if I do Katie she'd be #4, so Marni for Hannah - and now Hannah can suddenly go and win a WTA or something )
Going early this season, TA, on the basis I cant do much worse than last year, so going with gut is better than the highly scientific process I used last season!!
1. Katie B - 68 2. Heather W - 85 3. Jodie B - 112 4. Emma R - 125 5. Harriet D - 150 6. Marni B. - 200 7. Lily M. - 245 8. Katie S - 275 9. Fran J. - 300 10. Hannah K - 350
Sub Mimi X - 375
Reflecting some more and needing radical surgery, can I sub in Mimi to replace Katie Swan, please.