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Post Info TOPIC: Weeks 26 and 27 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - men's singles

Tennis legend

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RE: Weeks 26 and 27 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - men's singles

JonH comes home wrote:

What happens to folks with court one tickets - do they get a refund now?

Both Centre and Court 1 ticket holders have been offered refunds I believe.


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wolf wrote:
JonH comes home wrote:

What happens to folks with court one tickets - do they get a refund now?

Both Centre and Court 1 ticket holders have been offered refunds I believe.

 That is good. I guess there are no promises but the two mens semis could have turned out to make it a special day 


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indiana wrote:
JonH comes home wrote:

I of course wish Nick to behave on finals day for himself and us the crowd. I dont think your views are pompous at all , Rich, but I dont personally hold the royal family on any higher level than the rest of us and, coming clean, am a republican. Im sure William and Kate are very nice , and Harry , but they are just ordinary folks no more or less deserving of respect than anyone else .

Anyway, lets hope it is Cam he plays and who beats him in the final- and Im saying that as a Nick fan!

Leaving aside the royal family and arguably OTT courtesies, a major problem with Kyrgios is his sheer disrespect for other people just trying to do a job, like umpires and ball kids.

Undoubtably he is very watchable, and often indeed for his tennis, but some of that stuff is to my mind totally inexcusable. Fìnals days, other days, he needs to show more respect full stop.

This is my issue with him, his sense of entitlement is off the scale.  It needs dealing with because the tournament has a duty of care to their employees and they aren't taking on that responsibility at all.



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Article by Stu Fraser in yesterday's Times which includes an interview with Cam's Argentine coach, Facundo Lugones, a close-up of that ghastly tattoo on his left thigh (not even a very good image, IMHO!) & an analysis of what makes him hard to beat.


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How Jamie Delgado thinks Cam can beat Djokovic.


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Stircrazy wrote:

How Jamie Delgado thinks Cam can beat Djokovic.

 But he still comes down on side of Djoko in 4 sets - it is a big ask! 


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Stircrazy wrote:

... a close-up of that ghastly tattoo on his left thigh

 It looks like a Far Side cartoon.


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christ wrote:
Stircrazy wrote:

... a close-up of that ghastly tattoo on his left thigh

 It looks like a Far Side cartoon.



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Whatever the result this afternoon do others think this is the breakthrough now for Cam to go deeper at future slams.
I think so. What a great player, nice guy and maximising his talent to the full.



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Rich2310 wrote:

Whatever the result this afternoon do others think this is the breakthrough now for Cam to go deeper at future slams.
I think so. What a great player, nice guy and maximising his talent to the full.

 To some extent in having done it once in a Slam albeit with a pretty good draw. But his game and level have already been there for the last couple of years And he had the Indian Wells title week and making the top 10 as previous breakthroughs so to me this fortnight is a kind of further affirmation rather than the breakthrough.

His previous Slam record was kind of becoming an anomaly

Certainly doubt this week will do him any harm though!

-- Edited by indiana on Friday 8th of July 2022 12:19:47 PM


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indiana wrote:
Rich2310 wrote:

Whatever the result this afternoon do others think this is the breakthrough now for Cam to go deeper at future slams.
I think so. What a great player, nice guy and maximising his talent to the full.

 To some extent in having done it once in a Slam albeit with a pretty good draw. But his game and level have already been there for the last couple of years And he had the Indian Wells title week and making the top 10 as previous breakthroughs so this fortnight is a kind of further affirmation.

His previous Slam record was kind of becoming an anomaly

Certainly doubt this week will do him any harm though!

 That was what I was thinking. He has indeed done very well so far. But it feels to me now like the monkey is off his back having gone deep in a slam finally.

Had he risen to say #8 in the world, great success but never in slams, there would be many pointing that out.

Agree this week does him no harm at all. His profile will certainly rise now in the UK.

Seems incredible to hear that so many don't know of him already.

I will cheer for him this afternoon and's Novak.

Just do your best Cam. One asks for no more.




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Cam looks so nervous!!! Djoko looks very relaxed!!!


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They are out on court warming up at last. Good luck Cam.


Tennis legend

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Go Cam!

And go the crowd! Djoko doesn't like a crowd against him so within reason they need to very much play their part today.


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Hopeful early signs.

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