The writing style of all of these 'reports' is so amateurish - I'd be a bit annoyed if I were James; the actual words he said don't sound too controversial to be honest.
According to the report Anton got stuck in traffic so no injury concerns. M25 was a nightmare yesterday after the rain.
It seems weird though that he has pulled out of today also - he was well placed on 5 points yesterday and could still have made 3/4 in group
I guess if you can't make a match then you forfeit your place in the tournament. Would be unfair that he'd have a days 'rest' during the week and others didn't. Otherwise someone with 4 straight set wins might pull out of a Friday if they are guaranteed qualification.
According to the report Anton got stuck in traffic so no injury concerns. M25 was a nightmare yesterday after the rain.
It seems weird though that he has pulled out of today also - he was well placed on 5 points yesterday and could still have made 3/4 in group
I guess if you can't make a match then you forfeit your place in the tournament. Would be unfair that he'd have a days 'rest' during the week and others didn't. Otherwise someone with 4 straight set wins might pull out of a Friday if they are guaranteed qualification.
true, but given it is an indoor event, strange they couldnt have been more flexible and put his start time back or swapped the OOP around, his was the 5th mens match, so they could have saved him til last? Having said that , not sure how bad the flooding was (we are up North and havent had any rain where we are!), so maybe he would never have made it?
With Liam winning in 3 sets, I think that means Liam and Dan are both through to the semis:
Liam and Dan have 10 pts
Ali G has 7 points and could equal them with a straight sets win.
If that happens, Liam has 4 wins and Dan and Ali will have 3 each. Presumably, Liam would therefore take top spot.
Dan beat Ali G in their match H2H and, if the 3 of them needed separating on the 3 way H2H, then Liam would have 2 ,Dan 1, Ali 0 - so Dan would still out gun Ali.
So I think we are done and dusted in Group A now and Liam and Dan are both through in that order...