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Futures level

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~~ I'm off to the tennis fora - I didn't join to argue with folk that only sign in for the political battle ~~

-- Edited by christ on Sunday 8th of November 2020 10:53:52 AM


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In reality Biden has already lost.

Dems have not won back the Senate. This means McConnell remains as leader of the Senate. Therefore, as he did throughout the two Obama terms, he will take great pleasure and pride in being as he puts it, 'the grim reaper, all their bills will die on my desk', and continue to block any legislation Biden would try to pass, and also any federal and state judicial appointments that a Dem administration would try to make. McConnell has successfully let the country rot and convinced the country to blame the Dems before; he'll do it again, and it will work again.

GOP gets sh!t done, by fair means or foul, they get it done, they bend the country to their will even as a minority ruling party.

And that is the BEST case scenario for Dems now, they net lost Senate seats, they net lost House seats, they Net lost governor ships, and they have 6-3 locked and highly radicakised ideologically activist Supreme Court against them.

All against supposedly the worst candidate in history.

They might win the Presidency, and Trump might, eventually even accept it. If so, it's the most Pyrrhic electoral victory of living memory.
They have no exercisable power, and, thnks to lifetime appoinments held-over by McConnell's tactics explained above, the next 50 years of judicial decisions have been irrevocably fixed against them.
Trump's supporters aren't going anywhere, even if he does. Breyer (Dem/Liberal appointee) is the oldest SC judge (he's 82) he can't wait until Dems win back the Senate to safely retire and have a Dem replace him, so the SC would conceivably end up 7-2.
4 years of stagnation, and festering stalemate with civil liberties curtailed to fight pandemic will see 2024 ripe for a Don Jr/Ivanka ticket to sweep (yes, really) or even worse, someone like Ted Cruz or Pence.
Dems needed a massive win today to stand any chance in the next half century, but the blue wave was not even a trickle.

Like it or not, Trump has changed the world more in 4 years than any global figure since Hitler - no I'm not comparing the two just their impact. The right wing is ascendant around the world, and liberals/socialists/communist/centrists/non-right wingers are in hasty retreat and it, and the manifestation of it in the late 20th century is probably set to be an anachronistic anomaly reviled by the history books that will be written by the nationalistic and populist winners. Survival of the fittest, by any means necessary is the new global order. Back to the old ways, and Mammon.

The Presidential result means about as much as winning the popular vote yet again at this point: absolutely nothing.

Watch UK Conservatives now angle to successfully get on the impossibly lucrative US talking head rent-a-rant circuit, like Farage, Hopkins, Conrad Black and others have. Spew division and poison the well, fight the culture war and be rewarded with 20K crowds swooning over you like the latest pop stars, screaming your name in adulation and total ideologically monolithic agreement, whilst you casually pick up a 5 figure cheque each time for the pleasure.

Brits really haven't got a clue about America. The talk about a, 'special relationship'...


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christ wrote:

So it appears he is a lot more representative of America than the intelligentsia would have us believe.

Not really. He'll almost certainly lose the popular vote again.

His approval rating is remarkably consistent over time, about 44%. He'll get about 48% of the total vote.

I wouldn't call +4% 'a lot more' whether the 'intelligentsia' as you sneeringly put it, or the bloke down the pub told me it was. It's even within the margin of error for 72% of the election polls hmm


Tennis legend

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Welcome to the board, IICSIHBAC - sorry, but didn't have time to type out your whole name. wink

I agree that a Democratic President and a Republican Senate will make it difficult to get things done. That is what politics should be about - working to find consensus but with checks and balances in place. With the current mentality it will be more difficult than ever.

But if someone asked me if I preferred 4 years of stagnation or 4 more years of an emboldened Trump, I will take the stagnation 8 days a week and twice on Sundays.


Futures level

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Posts: 1869

~~ I'm off to the tennis fora - I didn't join to argue with folk that only sign in for the political battle ~~

-- Edited by christ on Sunday 8th of November 2020 10:53:38 AM


Tennis legend

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Biden has 6 more votes to get based on states called (comment - who gets to officially call states, AP seem to sometimes, CNN called Michigan - is there a protocol or recognised source? Or can anyone do it and the rest go along? Trump called a number just now and foul was called, so clearly there are rules, written or not!!)

Nevada would give him the 6, Pennslyvania seems in play, looks like he will squeak home.

Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez - I would love to see her run next time (assuming Biden doesnt stand more than one term, at 81/2 next time it is hard to see how he can?)


Tennis legend

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Bob in Spain wrote:

Welcome to the board, IICSIHBAC - sorry, but didn't have time to type out your whole name. wink

I agree that a Democratic President and a Republican Senate will make it difficult to get things done. That is what politics should be about - working to find consensus but with checks and balances in place. With the current mentality it will be more difficult than ever.

But if someone asked me if I preferred 4 years of stagnation or 4 more years of an emboldened Trump, I will take the stagnation 8 days a week and twice on Sundays.

 Yes, Trump was promising to do some of the things he really wanted to do in a second term, but had previously had to consider his reelection. The mind boggles ... 


Tennis legend

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In the years to come, this photo could take on iconic status.


Tennis legend

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Not directly Trump but a comment on the election process.

Beatriz: I come from Brazil and we get our results 2 hours after the polls close.

In response

Vera: I come from Russia and we get our results before the polls even open.



Tennis legend

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Brilliant !


Tennis legend

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Looks like Biden has got the numbers now, almost there ! Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania all in lead now.


Tennis legend

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JonH comes home wrote:

Looks like Biden has got the numbers now, almost there ! Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania all in lead now.

But will Trump go quietly into the night ?  That's the question now.

On another matter, former Trump aide Steve Bannon has had his account taken down after suggesting on video that the head of the FBI Chris Wray and Dr Fauci should be beheaded and their heads displayed on spikes outside the White House.


Tennis legend

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In victory and defeat Trump maintains the same class.

Anyway, let's see it over the line.

I read that Trump and various family members have been tweeting away about the lack of Republican hierarchy support for his claims of fraud, appeals etc etc. I always thought such establishment support was unlikely and it would be a case of go-it-alone son unless it came down say to one or two very close states with some actual evidence of fraud. There now seems a multiple choice of which state or states 'in theory' wrap it up for Biden, and then just go, man. EXIT - - - -


Satellite level

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Trump auditions for the Lion King - amusing

but not as funny as Farrage joining Trump on his campaign trail and being introduced as the King of Europe hmm


Satellite level

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.....Trump could at least bow out gracefully and urge his supporters to remain calm instead of trying to incite them. instead it's Biden who is urging for calm, unity and patience (so already an improvement IMO) Fingers still X

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