But why do the LTA pay for a week's full-time salary, plus travel, plus board and loading for EVERY single personal coach?
No other federation I know does that.
They have a federation training camp, with the couple of federation coaches, and then do a briefing session for the coaches when they get back.
All the other major federations enjoy slightly different climates geography etc, just an example the USTA in the younger age groups run 17 seperate regional development courses for 24 players, 8 coaches plus outside regional coach as leader ... even a regional course for some will require an hour or so on a plane, not really much different to a flight to La Manga ..... please see link below .... stipends for parents and coaches. Our small group of elite juniors have to compete with these guys.
It would be naive to think that the coaches running these various different programmes in the US and Australia do not get together to get to network/ get to know each other talk about the elite players they are developing and their goals for the year.