So 4 through in the end, looked about our collected average err wisdom and basically the bookies' accumulated suggested number, if not all the names ( Ladbrokes expected number 4.19 ).
As far as I can see 3 of us went for 4, 3 for more than 4 and 4 for less than 4.
Yes!!!! Hurrah for Alex Ward. Thought he might make it - and so delighted to see such a hard-working person who keeps having injury setbacks get through. Happy day.
Fantastic win for Alex from a set down Kind of makes up for Ed's loss from a set up (though not for Ed, obviously!)
The bookies got it about right in the end (4 wins c.f. 4.18 expected based on the odds) but all 4 GB winners (and indeed all 5 GB losers) were playing higher-ranked players (in most cases significantly higher-ranked) so very well done to those who got the job done
Alex was only a 20% chance too (I'm very glad his win made my '2 or 3 through' too pessimistic!), Ryan's scoreline was better than I'd have expected and Neil, sadly, didn't get the chance to prove much either way.
75% W Marcus 65% W Jay 63% W Liam 63% L Ed 57% L Lloyd 34% L Dan 31% L Neil 20% W Alex 13% L Ryan
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!