This settlement reflects Foxs continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards
They have just admitted knowingly lying about alleged election fraud in an attempt to influence the outcome of the presidential election and made a payment of almost 800m USD to the company they defamed. They should be SHUT DOWN.
I would have preferred Dominion to win in the courts, instead of giving Fox wriggle room.
... but the courts are always a risk, especially with elected judges, so I don't blame Dominion for taking the money.
The damage done to democracy (all of the Americans that believed - and still believe - Fox was telling the truth has really hurt the principle of voting) is never likely to be recovered.
I would have preferred Dominion to win in the courts, instead of giving Fox wriggle room.
... but the courts are always a risk, especially with elected judges, so I don't blame Dominion for taking the money.
The damage done to democracy (all of the Americans that believed - and still believe - Fox was telling the truth has really hurt the principle of voting) is never likely to be recovered.
Tend to agree with you. Would love to have seen all the evidence made public but apparently the Judge had already ordered the jury to disregard the statements by Fox because they were demonstrably false. Guessing Fox had no other option and like you, I don't blame Dominion for taking the money.
There are several other cases pending - one UK voting machine company is suing for - effectively - the same thing
And an employee is suing for being 'forced' to lie in the deposition
And the shareholders are bringing a breach of fidcuairy duties claim
All for the same thing
So there should be some release of info along the way..
Chloe Smith is the new Secretary of State for science. Her husband, in 2020, declared Covid was a mental illness.
Hopefully he wont be advising her.
Hmm.The joys of social media - years ago he would have only been able to share his unproven and ill informed opinions with a small number of people. Now the whole world gets to see what a massive clot he is. Unfortunately there will be those who believed him and may have put themselves and others unnecessarily at risk. Definitely hope he wont be advising her!
Quite astonishing admission by Jacob Rees Mogg that the Tories insistence on Voter ID was a deliberate attempt to sway that result (or should I say 'rig'). He was a cabinet minister when this policy was introduced. What consequences will that admission have ? Sadly, I assume there will be none.
But it will come back to bite the Tories when they accuse opposition parties of vote rigging by changing the minimum age, or allowing EU citizens resident in the UK to vote.
Has anyone else been following this National Conservatism Conference ? It is really scary stuff. Hard line right wing religious fundamentalism and yet being attended by Tory MPs and even cabinet ministers.
Take this bit for example: "No nation can long endure without humility and gratitude before God and fear of his judgment .... " or "we recognize that most universities are at this point partisan and globalist in orientation and vehemently opposed to nationalist and conservative ideas. Such institutions do not deserve taxpayersupport unless they rededicate themselves to the national interest."
De-fund universities unless they teach the nationalist agenda ? WOW.
Here's another quote from a Tory MP at the conference. "We may be a broad church but even the most open minded churchgoer does not want atheists as fellow travellers
Now I have no problem with people who want to believe in their god regardless of which religion, but I have always believed that religion and politics shouldn't mix.
We have had one speaker today flippantly saying German 'mucked-up' nationalism in the 20th century, referring to two world wars and the holocaust in which millions of people died or in many cases, were exterminated. We have had the Home Secretary (Braverman) stating that multiculturalism is a 'recipe for disaster'.
And yet another quote from the conference: (Matthew Goodwin - Professor of Politics). "The only people who have social status today are racial, sexual and gender minorities or their apparently enlightened white graduate allies."
There have always been extremists on both sides of the political spectrum but this is becoming too mainstream for my liking. These people are inside the Tory party and inside government itself.