Niall wrote:5-1 to Andy in the breaker
That was a bit too close for comfort, to put it mildly.
Gotta go, the other half is champing at the bit. I'll read the thread when I get back - bye fellas.
6-2 loads of set points
6-3 two serves to come for De Voest
7-4 game and set!!
To close for comfort there, Andys stats are heading south, he really needs to turn that around
Drew wrote:Niall wrote: 5-1 to Andy in the breaker Hi guys....having fun I see..........6-4 - 2 set last
1st set 7-6 whewwwwwwwwwwww!
Was following Tims matchs and the start of this on my phone on the way home from work !!!!! Feel sorry for Tim !
timmoore46 wrote:Shopping at Tesco's more fun than this! where are my car keys? (under a pile of ripped carpert..maybe!)
LOL * LOL * LOL *....just about burst my sides with that Tim !!!
0-40 Can Andy break here ?
15-40 :