Mrs Fawlty's speed around the court is something else, but Annie's play is just a tad tentative, allowing her opponent the chance to get the ball back.
Anne wrong footed by a FH puts her shot in to the net. 0-15* A rally, Sibille FH to Anne's BH, back and forth. A bit extra on one French FH and Anne pops up a ball, and it drifts out. 0-30* Sibille slices a BH deep down the line into Anne's BH corner, and she imstimes the ball long. 0-40* Anne brough into the net, dinks a ball back, SIbille tries a BH top spin lob, just long. 15-40* Short rally, the French FH in effect again, and Anne eventually slaps a FH into the net. *5-5
*0-0 1-0* Nice angle cross court followed up with a winner down the line. 2-0* Good down the line winner from Constance that time. *2-1 Sibille snatches at an Anne 2nd serve, into the net. *3-1 Sibille on the offensive good repeated pressure eventually Anne goes long. 3-2* Anne attempts to paint the line with a FH winner, but nets, poor footwork. Even as they change ends. 3-3* Sibille again in charge, Anne makes her play one extra shot, but the volley at the net is solid. *3-4 Twice Anne is unable to see home the advantage of good FH's, but eventually finds a winner, just as she looked out of the point. *4-4 Simple point, serve unreturnable. 5-4* Anne stays in the point, but never looks on top, and defenses break down eventually. 5-5* Tense now, obviously. Anne always well behind in a rally yet again, and Sibille finds that same FH down the line winner. MP against... *5-6 2nd serve, a rally but Anne is on the defensive again, her groundstrokes lack pop, and they sit up a bit, and she nets a FH. 5-7
GSM Sibille - a very poor loss indeed - not just the loss, but that she looked outplayed for most of it against such an opponent.
Only watched from 3-2 in final set but Anne's return games were timid affairs. Even in the final set tiebreak, she faced two second serves at 5-4 and 5-5 yet failed to put pressure on CS, allowing her to take control of the points, winning both with big forehands.
I wish Anne a good and happy off season if that is indeed her last match of the year. She's had too good a career and been too good for GB tennis to have it finish in the sort of ignominious fizzle that the last 6 months have been. I hope we see her again, and playing more like what I remember as her 'true' form.