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Post Info TOPIC: WIMBLEDON PICK 'EM and Battle of the Boards

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WIMBLEDON PICK 'EM and Battle of the Boards

You can now enter the Wimbledon pick 'em at:

Just enter for the forum/board/site you feel most attached to - if it's not or, you can still move back to one of them for the next BT v AM only comp.

All qualifiers are already in the draw.

The entry deadline is 9 am UK time (08.00 GMT) on Monday.

No Excel needed this time, you just tick boxes on a web form, nice and easy.

I know most of you are likely to leave making your picks until the weekend because of the Andy situation, but I would be grateful if some of you could fill in the form between now and 8.30 pm UK tonight, even if it is with random picks, and click to send it, just so I can check everything really works ok before advertising it on lots of other boards. If it's definitely not your final entry, please type TEMP after your name, if it might be your final entry, don't type TEMP but in that case please type NEW after your name if you do submit a different entry later.

Thanks, and good luck!

-- Edited by steven at 20:47, 2007-06-25


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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RE: WIMBLEDON PICK 'EM & Battle of the Boards - (no Excel needed!)

Btw, please report and problems or comments on the entry form (ease of use, errors, superfluous text, etc) here.


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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WIMBLEDON PICK 'EM and Battle of the Boards (Excel no longer needed!)

I've entered a temporary entry (probably best way to do it - the more time I spend thinking about it the worse my predictions are!) - form was really straightforward to complete

Thanks for organising



Tennis legend

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Come on you lot, the Rusedski board has more than twice as many entrants as this one at the moment!

-- Edited by steven at 12:11, 2007-06-23


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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we're being sensible and a) thinking about our picks and b) waiting to see what Andy will do . so nana.gif


To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty

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LOL smile.gif


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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I have advertised the Wimby pick 'em on various sites and we are getting entries from those sites, but not very many. I think everyone's a bit timid to enter (or to 'admit' they are entering) a competition on another board, even if they are representing their favourite forum there. My guess is that if we can get a few more posts on the threads I set up and people start to say they are entering on there and start drumming up a bit of team spirit, plenty of others will follow.

So, we could do with creating a bit of a buzz about the competition, a bit like David (and others) did with when the AM v BT comp was first starting.

Your mission (should you choose to accept it!) is to go onto some of these other boards and start talking about the competition!

You don't need to mention that you aren't entering for that board yourself (though you can if you want), just let them know what fun the competition is and get them a bit excited about the thought of taking on other players' fans! wink
If you check later and someone brave from the board itself has answered you, you can carry on the chat of course ... gradually, we'll get there!

You tend to need to be registered in order to post, so if you are already registered on one of these boards, then perfect. If not, it's fairly easy to register on each of them if you want to.

The threads to go for are: (that's the Rafa site forum btw)

The turnout from MTF is particularly pathetic given that they have their own 'fill in the draw' competition there, which requires them to make identical picks, and they actually have to type them all in there. Once they've done all that work, replicating those picks on our entry form would be easy peasy!

Maybe they don't feel any allegiance to MTF and the team aspect leaves them cold, who knows. Then again, maybe if sheddie can get Nathii to round a load of her friends up to play ...

Anyway, thanks in advance, and good luck!  wink.gif

-- Edited by steven at 01:26, 2007-06-24

-- Edited by steven at 03:13, 2007-06-24


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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Tennis legend

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I cannot get the form to work (probably because of the age of my computer) or the email connection - is there an Excel alternative?


Tennis legend

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Panic over - I have managed to download and fill the form in offline and submit it!


Tennis legend

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Just over 24 hours to go and we now have 69 entrants (previous record 51), breaking down as follows:


32 46%
--- lots of newbies from now that they don't need Excel!

9 13%
--- going to hit double figures because I haven't entered yet

8 12% MensTennisForums
--- finally some entrants and a couple of them recommending it to other people on MTF, which should help

7 10%
--- everyone waiting until the last minute? wink

5 7%
--- they've now set up a Wimby section at the top, so I re-posted in there, lots more hits per hour and more entrants, though they have an 80% record of messing up their entries, and one (not included in the above figure) managed to get her entry 100% wrong - details entered, but no picks at all!

4 6%
--- it's a case of trying to keep the thread afloat in the huge mass of posts so that people see it,  help gratefully received!

2 3% Individuals
--- two of these had been told about it by someone on the Roddick site but aren't quackers enough to enter for

1 1% Kings of Clay
1 1% BritishTennisZone
0 0%
--- the less said about this lot, the better!

0 0% BBC boards
--- I think this means the person I was 'count'ing on to post the invite on there hasn't seen my pm yet cry


41 60% Male
27 40% Female
(1 ambiguous)


48 70% O18
21 30% U18


55 80% Fans
11 16% Amateur players
1 1% Umpires / tennis officials (confirmed)
1 1% Pro players (unconfirmed)
1 1% Junior ITF players (unconfirmed)

Countries: 22 so far (I think these are virtually all genuine - most of the non-UK/US entrants come from MTF or the Fed site)

27 39% ENG
14 20% SCO
5 7% USA
3 4% WAL
2 3% SRB
2 3% ROU
1 1% NIR
1 1% AUT
1 1% BAN
1 1% HUN
1 1% AUS
1 1% BEL
1 1% CAN
1 1% CHI
1 1% GER
1 1% ARG
1 1% BRA
1 1% IND
1 1% POR
1 1% CHN
1 1% VEN
1 1% HKG

-- Edited by steven at 07:27, 2007-06-24


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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Tennis legend

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Posts: 34418

Just a reminder - entry form at closing 08.00 GMT / 9 am UK on Monday.

-- Edited by steven at 07:28, 2007-06-24


GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!

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I've entered.

Wow - that's the most difficult one I've done - so many games where it really could go either way.

Federer must have the most difficult path to the final it's possible to get if you're number 1 seed: Gabashvilli- Del Potro - Safin - Tursunov/Haas - Blake/Gonzo - A-Rod - Final... this might be the year for an upset?


All-time great

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struggling to find your thread on federer mesageboard.


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RobC wrote:

I've entered.

Wow - that's the most difficult one I've done - so many games where it really could go either way.

Federer must have the most difficult path to the final it's possible to get if you're number 1 seed: Gabashvilli- Del Potro - Safin - Tursunov/Haas - Blake/Gonzo - A-Rod - Final... this might be the year for an upset?

IMO, last year he had a more difficult potential draw

This time last year you would have seen this path:

Gasquet - Henman - Mahut - Haas/Berdych - Ancic!!! - Nalbandian/Blake (turned out to be Bjorkman) - Hewitt/Nadal/Roddick in the final!

That was dealt with consumate ease by Fedex.  


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I've posted a bit on MTF

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