Well, on to next week. Has he got into San Jose for next week yet? On the bright side, he'll have more time to get used to the courts etc and get over jet lag now.
To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty
thats a real shame, i thought alex would have had a good chance vs zib, match was fairly close, zib won the big points and alex didnt really. Telling in the 2nd set when zib saved 3bp's, it so common to see the break straight after, not just with alex, but with lots of players, i really wonder why, i guess its the mental power ****.
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
My Polish is very patchy, but I can try. The original is in italics - I might come back and try and improve on the translation later ...
Mówi Lundgren piatek, 9 lutego 2007r., godz. 19:03
Lundgren speaks Friday 9 February 2007, 19.03h
Szwed Peter Lundgren to jeden z najslynniejszych trenerów. Pracowal m.in. z Maratem Safinem, Marcelo Riosem i Rogerem Federerem. Teraz opiekuje sie Brytyjczykiem Alexem Bogdanoviciem, z którym przyjechal do Wroclawia.
Swede Peter Lundgren is one of the most successful trainers [in the world]. He has worked, for example, with Marat Safin, Marcelo Rios and Roger Federer. Now he is looking after the Brit Alex Bogdanovic, with whom he travelled to Wroclaw.
Jak sie czuje bywalec Wielkiego Szlema na takim malym, skromnym turnieju jak nasz?
Having been at grand slams, how does it feel to be at quite a small, modest tournament like ours?
Swietnie. Czasem fajnie jest wrócic do zródel, sprawdzic co dzieje sie za kulisami. Obejrzec mlodych zawodników, którzy beda kiedys na szczycie. Wszystko jest znakomicie zorganizowane i jest naprawde milo.
Great. Sometimes it's good to go back to basics and find out what's going on behind the scenes ... to observe young sportsmen, who may reach the top of the rankings one day. Everything it is organized superbly and it is really pleasant.
More to follow ...
-- Edited by steven at 15:16, 2007-02-10
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
Here's a bit more of the Lundgren interview - part 2, let's say:
Z która ze slaw tenisa pracowalo sie Panu najlepiej?
Which of the tennis stars did you work best with?
Kazdy jest inny, ale wszystkich wspominam bardzo milo. Roger Federer jest swietnym facetem i nadal utrzymujemy kontakt. Ciezko bywalo z Marcelo Riosem – w czasie gdy z nim pracowalem byl troche zbuntowany. Najsympatyczniejsze stosunki mialem i mam z Maratem Safinem.
They are all different but I have good memories of all of them. Roger Federer is a great guy and I keep in contact with him. It was tough with Marcelo Rios, he was a bit rebellious when I worked with him. The best relationship I had and still have is with Marat Safin.
A jak sie zaczela Pana wspólpraca z Alexem Bodganoviciem?
And how did you start working with Alex Bogdanovic?
Podpisalem kontrakt z brytyjska federacja tenisowa i to wlasnie ona poprosila mnie, zebym popracowal z mlodym, zdolnym zawodnikiem jakim jest Bogdanovic. To bardzo fajny facet, dobrze nam sie wspólpracuje i mysle, ze w przyszlosci moze daleko zajsc. Pracuje z cala reprezentacja na Puchar Davisa, mam wiec okazje pocwiczyc z wieloma zawodnikami. Pod scisla opieka mam wlasnie Alexa oraz Josha Goodalla, który jest teraz notowany okolo 230. miejsca w rankingu. Na szczescie kontrakt nie stawia mi konkretnych wymagan, jak awans podopiecznych w rankingu...
I signed a contract with the British tennis federation and they invited me to work with able young players like Bogdanovic. He's a really great guy, we work very well together, and I think he can go a long way in the future. I work with the whole Davis Cup squad, so I get the chance to see lots of players. Initially, I am looking after Alex and also Josh Goodall, who is now around 230 in the rankings. Fortunately the contract does not specify any concrete requirements as to how I go about getting them up the rankings. [I'm not sure about the last half-sentence, maybe Nathii can help if she's around]
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!