If you click on the results link on the home page, it comes up with nothing, just a picture that's missing. I looked in the source code and it turns out that the picture reference is a file on the creator's own hard drive, so no wonder it doesn't appear on the web, yet I assume it works fine when the creator pulls up the web page on his own screen. LOL Knowing the file name let me guess at the pic's actual URL and thankfully the first guess worked.
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
Hutchins was outranked by around 200 places and Lee's opponent is a very talented junior on home turf, so not entirely unexpected though I had hopes that one would make the final qualies round. Lee's form seems to have tailed off in the last few weeks, he had some great results at the end of September-start of October, taking a set off Dick Norman etc.
Josh has a very tough opening match. Berrer is a leftie, ranked 155 [was ranked 104 in July], has made a challenger final and two semis this year. Delgado beat him in 5 sets at Wimbledon. He took the opening two sets against Nalbandian at the US Open in rd1, but lost in 5. Has had his season disrupted by injury, had to take nearly 2 months off after New York, made his comeback in Aachen last week, winning a round before losing 6-4, 7-6 to Sluiter.