How quaint that her name is reported as Mrs. Richard <Brenda> Taylor. In this day and age one would have thought that this would be anathema to the ladies of the world.
Edit: < > used, as the original inverted commas don't seem to work.
-- Edited by christ on Wednesday 31st of August 2022 08:36:23 AM
How quaint that her name is reported as Mrs. Richard <Brenda> Taylor. In this day and age one would have thought that this would be anathema to the ladies of the world.
Edit: < > used, as the original inverted commas don't seem to work.
Nice interview with Em talking about shifting priorities, with a couple of funny stories from the tour. It does sound a little like she's on the slow move into retirement from the pros though, which will be very sad when it finally happens!
Nice interview with Em talking about shifting priorities, with a couple of funny stories from the tour. It does sound a little like she's on the slow move into retirement from the pros though, which will be very sad when it finally happens!
If Emily can keep going all year she could get to 2,000 matches (ITF,WTA). She is currently about 1,930 (1,016 singles, 913 doubles and 1 mixed doubles).