So, sometimes its good to share. I lost my job today. Or at least Im losing my job, we are going to finalise a settlement agreement over the next couple of weeks and then Ill go.
And whilst incredibly upset and hurt, its such a relief to know the pressure is over. Thing is, theres always hope for the future, always.
No idea what next but the settlement gives me a little time and Ill work it out!
And Im hopeful it will work out. But it also hurts.
I'm sorry to hear that Jon but agree that limbo is a horrible place to be so at least you now know and can go from there.
For us, we are merging with 3 other organisations so that's going to be fun (we are mainly govt funded science based organisations but do have a small growing percentage of private funded work). And it's an election year next year so they will want it mainly done so they can talk about their "success".
Sorry to hear that, Jon. Wishing you all the best for finding something new and hoping that, whatever you do next, it's working with good people doing something that makes you feel happy and fulfilled.
Oh John what awful news, I am so sorry for you. You certainly strike me as one of the good guys in life so I hope that when the dust settles that this ends up working well for you. Best wishes.
Thanks all - really appreciate the thoughts and comments. I know it will be fine, Ive a good network, the settlement should make it fine and give me time to get something new; and Ive got a good network. Its more the fact that I feel like I failed to deliver for my now ex employer - its a numbers game in what I do and I ran out of road - tinged with a little uncertainty of what next.
Change in life often works out for the best - hope this is the case for you Jon. Enjoy life with a little less pressure and give yourself time to recharge.
Change in life often works out for the best - hope this is the case for you Jon. Enjoy life with a little less pressure and give yourself time to recharge.
Thank you - very wise words and how I feel this morning tbh. Thank you all
Hi Jon. Im sorry to hear that. A few years ago I was made redundant from the firm I had worked for for 25 years. I was devastated and doubted myself.
Turns out it was the best thing that could have happened. I found a job much closer to home with a firm who cares a lot more about their employees.
Its just another chapter.
Hi Jon. Im sorry to hear that. A few years ago I was made redundant from the firm I had worked for for 25 years. I was devastated and doubted myself. Turns out it was the best thing that could have happened. I found a job much closer to home with a firm who cares a lot more about their employees. Its just another chapter.
Definitely - thank you and pleased to hear it all worked out for you. The organisation Ive worked for are actually good employers and Ive enjoyed it there but the past 6 months since a new PE backer came in have turned it into a numbers game and the rest is history. Hopefully whatever is next will be free of that
Feel for you Jon, but it looks like the work structure had changed, and not for the better.
This happened to me 4 years ago, so after 30 years, I left this employ. Within weeks an opportunity came up via a friend, so now specialise within my field, part-time and with autonomy and - it's fabulous.
I think you'll find new and better opportunities will open up, although it will be daunting and exciting, all at the same time.