Emily fighting well, and not a lot between them overall. But the standard wasn't that high IMO, maybe 200 to 250
That's still 100+ above Emily's ranking. Emily spent ages getting into the top 500 so well done to her. Especially as slngles are not her main concern.
Bah, pity for Emily & Tara. So near a big win and big points. Would have been really useful for Tara in her comeback, with the chance of more in R2 at least, and whatever would have guaranteed a British SF pair
98 points for reaching the SF - Sam getting closer to the top 100 with every win. The competition for GB #1 may become interesting if this carries on - although a fair way to go yet as Sam has only half the points of Liv.
It will be a while before thir next opponents are known - some matches are two rounds behind.