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Post Info TOPIC: Weeks 27 & 28 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - men's singles

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Weeks 27 & 28 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - men's singles

I must say he's playing really good stuff! I don't think anyone had him winning this but I think he's handling himself very well.


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Danny1312 wrote:

I must say he's playing really good stuff! I don't think anyone had him winning this but I think he's handling himself very well.

 Yeah nobody expects Fearnley to beat but impressed with how he has played this match and his attitude.

He'll learn a lot from this match.



Strong Club Player

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Jake looks tired, but I'm so impressed. Wouldn't be surprised to see him top 100 this time next year.


Tennis legend

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Jake has missed a lot of those short balls that he's trying to whip crosscourt - one commentator said he was over-rotating - and he's probably right
THey've come at key moments too
But he's also played some excellent tennis
And really made Djoko work for it
And given the crowd something to cheer
He'll be disappointed with some of the errors, but what do you expect, playing on this court, in front of all these people, at Wimbly, against Djoko?


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And now a break, that's what we want, just a sniff of a chance 

-- Edited by Coup Droit on Thursday 4th of July 2024 02:21:54 PM


Futures level

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He's certainly rattled Djoko. I think he thought he'd just wrap this up quickly and Jake has had other ideas!


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Nix wrote:

He's certainly rattled Djoko. I think he thought he'd just wrap this up quickly and Jake has had other ideas!

 Waiting for Djoko to get something in his eye, pull something (and make a rapid recovery) etc, etc hmm


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Elegant Point wrote:
Nix wrote:

He's certainly rattled Djoko. I think he thought he'd just wrap this up quickly and Jake has had other ideas!

 Waiting for Djoko to get something in his eye, pull something (and make a rapid recovery) etc, etc hmm

 Haha! Yes. 


Club Coach

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Come on Jacob, he nicks the third set, get in!


Hall of fame

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Just 2 more sets Jake!!


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That was so impressive! Just to get those balls in make Novak win the points and he couldn't...


Strong Club Player

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Wow! Well done, Jake! Did not expect him to take that third set!

Love that he's getting this chance to showcase what he can do.


Tennis legend

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Well, that was fun


Futures level

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16 winners from Jake to five from Djoko, lol!


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