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Post Info TOPIC: Week 26 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - women's qualifying

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Week 26 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - women's qualifying

Sadly that was the only outcome from that disastrous error. Katy in floods of tears as she loses from 8-5* up.

Heartbroken for her but she should never have misunderstood the final tiebreak scoring. It cost her all her focus and momentum. Bad error at 8-6*, terrible double at *8-7, then a forehand error and Lukas wins with a lob.

Would have been better for her to have lost 6-4 half an hour ago to be honest. What a horrible way to lose. At 6-5 her team should have been indicating it was to 10 as a reminder to keep her calm. Ugh. Awful.

-- Edited by PaulM on Tuesday 25th of June 2024 04:30:07 PM


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Agreed. Such a shame, Im afraid I think its a little bit unforgivable to think that this was a normal match tie break and let your head go. Onwards katie


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wimbledont wrote:
PaulM wrote:

Mika lost 6-3 6-4 but never really looked a threat from the bits I watched. The betting odds there were bonkers.

Mimi loses 6-4 6-4. I think she'll be a bit disappointed with that. She never threatened on return, forehand was ropey. But she's so young and so talented, just has to keep putting the work in.

 Mika's match was won and lost on her racquet.

Winners 21-12.

UEs 40-15.

Sorry but none of our youngsters have had a lot of exposure to the grass court season. With exams and the late transition from clay meant they missed some of the earlier tournaments in the season, so I feel a bit for them. This is their home season and we have seen precious little of them all. Juniors , fair enough but they are old hands at that now. So now I expect they will have to wait for W 15 s w15s or W 35s indoors in the GB to try and help with the transition. 



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That was close all the way. So sorry for Katy - even the cameraman thought it was over.

5:30 and I think it is time to be thinking about getting home.


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Crispy wrote:

Agreed. Such a shame, Im afraid I think its a little bit unforgivable to think that this was a normal match tie break and let your head go. Onwards katie

I think after 3 hours it's totally understandable. The crowd definitely seemed to be thinking the same as Katy. I'm sure she started the MTB thinking it was to 10 and then saw the familiar 6-5 and and assumed next point won. As Paul says, up to her team to remind her - but again, a very easy thing to forget in such a moment. Just so sad to see after everything Katy has been through with injuries; sure just winning this one round would have meant everything to her as I'm sure she is constantly questioning whether her body can last another year. I can't imagine today will make her any more keen to continue, sadly. 


Tennis legend

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Oh that is so so sad for Katy D. Really feel for her

Yes, it's a huge mistake but ultimately anyone would have to have a heart of stone not to feel for her with this on top of all her injury issues.

By the way do the umpires normally anounce it as going to be a MTB to 10 points and did the umpire here announce it? Would seem sensible as a reminder to players and spectators.


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So three through is pretty good return for qualies, but the fact we were pretty close in 3 other matches makes it feel a bit strange!

Hope someone is already on hand to give Katy a cuddle and a glass of wine. Such a lovely girl and she didn't deserve that ending.


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Bravo Sonay and Hannah
Hopefully one of our 3 can slip through to Main draw.
Big ask though


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Good luck to the 5 left in qualies, those in Eastbourne and favourable Wimbledon draws - Im off to Glastonbury. Enjoy the tennis!


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Awful to see the video of Katy collapsing to the ground in delight at 7-5 in the breaker and the cameraman running onto court. That said, she won the next point and it was still very much on her racket.

It's weird to be satisfied with two wins yesterday, but disappointed with three wins today when it might have been as many as six.

To be honest I expected Hannah, Mimi and Mika to all lose, and I don't know whether it said more about Marcinko than Hannah. But she must have played OK to win 62 62.

With some decent grass court results by Rajecki, Appleton, Kartal, Stoiber and Macdonald going into qualifying, I had high hopes of someone winning 3 matches this week, but Wimbledon qualifying has a different level of stress. Still think Sonay will be favourite to win tomorrow, but let's see.

-- Edited by 9vicman on Tuesday 25th of June 2024 05:02:28 PM


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Marni is again on the televised court tomorrow (3rd match following George Loffhagen, and preceding Hannah K). The other 2 Brits (Jay/Sonay) are on court 2


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-- Edited by simon381 on Tuesday 25th of June 2024 07:04:58 PM


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Watched most of Hannah's match. She played very well mixing up the shots. Service when in was powerful and she was working hard to get the ball back with power. Always looked in control. 

Katy was heartbreaking. I was only discussing the need for a 10 point breaker with someone and pointing out that players often get it wrong.

Watched Emily early on. Missed a few sitters in the 3rd and really felt she should have won. Only saw the first set for Millie. Watched Mimi.. seemed tight and nervous and must have had so many unforced errors.


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Just my feelings:

Hannah - I thought she played an excellent match. It's true that Marcinko wasn't stellar on grass, but she wasn't a complete rabbit either and Hannah did really well to come out of the blocks, all guns blazing
I thought she served very well (there were too many DFs but - fortunately - she did them all on games that didnt matter, in clutches). The first serve, though, was strong and did damage.

Most importantly, I loved the way she went after the ball, on the front foot, hitting over it, not backing off and slicing and rinky-dinky-ing the ball

Also, big cheer to her coach. I didn't recognised him - maybe the guy from Reed's? He wasn't there last time I saw her play (and had been moaning about her team)

He really actually 'coached'. Unlike the woman (Jane something?) who was in Katy and Marni's box

It's a bugbear of mine but simply shouting 'come on, that's it, keep going' is not coaching. You can ask a group of mates to do that. (and some players do). You employ a coach to actually coach - and now it's allowed

I wasn't near Hannah's coach but I heard him say two things which were spot on

At the start of the second set, instead of 'well done, great, Hannah, and another one like that' - or equally inane and useless comments - he said 'stay low, keep down'. Because - as with many taller girls, she has a tendency to come up off the ball (which normally means it then flies long)

By giving her something to actually focus on (and something useful) she was on the righ path - she stayed low, kept down, hit some great shots - and was quickly 3-0 up

And then - the key of the match, IMO, was at 3-2 when the Croat had a bit of momentum, had just won two games, had plenty of chances to win the next, Hannah was looking a little tight, and Hannah managed to play really well at key moments and take the game

And, again, the coach wasn't then going 'well done' - rather he told her that now was the key game - not to step back, and think, I held, didn't I do well, it was so close. But to really hammer the nail in, to realise this was the moment to take the match by the scruff of the neck and put out any faint hope her opponent had. And Hannah did exactly that - she attacked the serve extremely well - broke - and that was basically the match, done and dusted.

PS Her sister calls her 'Han'
She was encouraging all the way through.
And her mum was there too - there were BIG hugs all round at the end. (And there was another girl who might have been another sister, not sure - definitely one sister and mum )

-- Edited by Coup Droit on Tuesday 25th of June 2024 08:52:21 PM


Tennis legend

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Thanks for all that info CD. I didn't get to watch Hannah today but saw the "more senior" players in action - Marni, Emily (one set), Millie (one set) and all of Katy's match. Others have commented above and there isn't much I can add really.

I wasn't sure who was coaching Katy - there was a guy near the front of the stand that might have been. Her Mum was sat two rows behind me in the stand.

Met up with Steven and had a chat after the matches were over. As he said, the shoes were the standout mark of recognition !

I have loads of photos of the players, including a few of those not playing today. (eg Jay and sister Yasmin). Something to look back on over the next few months.

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