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Post Info TOPIC: Week 26 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - women's qualifying

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RE: Week 26 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - women's qualifying

indiana wrote:
Doonan wrote:

Shes only lost 4 points so far in the second set. Up 5-0.

-- Edited by Doonan on Thursday 27th of June 2024 02:11:09 PM

 Yes, being very persistent     Go, Sonay!

 She persisted biggrin

Persisted in being at absolute thorn in the side for Erika, that's for sure biggrin


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Well done Sonay, booking her main draw place with ease smile


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Very decent effort by Hannah

Parks beat her first opponent 0 & 2
The second one 1 & 3
and beat Hannah 3 & 3

So Hannah wins that list

I thought Hannah served really well - I expected her to be more dodgy on serve, especially when under pressure

She was just slightly overpowered. Parks' balls are SO heavy and they come onto you SO fast, you really need to anchor yourself and use lots of body strength. Hannah's not quite there yet.
But she was getting better as it went along, I thought, which is encouraging.

An excellent week for her. Wonder if she'll pull out of J300 Roehampton or not? (Quali draws get done tonight)


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Thanks CD. Great reports. Think I'll try and get myself down to London for Wimbledon Q next year.

Sounds could be time well spent at qualies and I've not been to London at all for many years.


Futures level

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Shame for Marni and Hannah but so happy for Sonay.

Good to see a few players looking like they are stepping up into gs qualies to join our top 6/7.




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it is an amazing achievement from Sonay. Aside from Katie S qualifying a few years back, I cannot recall any GB ladies qualifying for the main draw in 20+ years!


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indiana wrote:

Thanks CD. Great reports. Think I'll try and get myself down to London for Wimbledon Q next year.

Sounds could be time well spent at qualies and I've not been to London at all for many years.

 As long as the weather is fine, it's an absolute bargain for £15

(of course, that's not including travel, which may be a fair bit if you live in far-flung places smile)

But a real day-out of 18 courts of top-class tennis

(and SO up close to the players, and their teams, it's weird) 


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PaulM wrote:

Thrilled for Sonay. What an achievement. And she's done it quietly without fuss or fanfare. Just got on with the job. Fantastic.

 It was pretty churlish of the AELTC not to give her a MD WC in the first place when she's clearly a better player than Lily who did get one.


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JonH comes home wrote:
9vicman wrote:
JonH comes home wrote:

I guess there could be lucky losers in due course? How does that work for Wimbledon? The number of lucky losers spaces plus 1 taken from the top ranked losers?

Im guessing there is little chance of Marni being in for any sort of look in?

Minimum of 4 players in the hat, and has to be at least two more players than spots avaliable. But for Marni, no chance.

 thank you!

If I've worked this out right, Marni is 16th on the LL list and Hannah 17th based on current rankings. (Diyas is 16th and last as her actual ranking is 967). The top four are Andreeva #5, Danilovic #8, Kesler #20 and Sonmez.


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dodrade wrote:
PaulM wrote:

Thrilled for Sonay. What an achievement. And she's done it quietly without fuss or fanfare. Just got on with the job. Fantastic.

 It was pretty churlish of the AELTC not to give her a MD WC in the first place when she's clearly a better player than Lily who did get one.

 Hmmm. Im not sure you can say that as things stand. Lily has won 2 75ks in the last 6 months and qualified and got the second round of the us open. When Sonay has achieved that fair enough. 

Granted Lilys grass court from hasnt been great this year but she still is ranked inside the top 150.



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Mervatron2 wrote:
dodrade wrote:
PaulM wrote:

Thrilled for Sonay. What an achievement. And she's done it quietly without fuss or fanfare. Just got on with the job. Fantastic.

 It was pretty churlish of the AELTC not to give her a MD WC in the first place when she's clearly a better player than Lily who did get one.

 Hmmm. Im not sure you can say that as things stand. Lily has won 2 75ks in the last 6 months and qualified and got the second round of the us open. When Sonay has achieved that fair enough. 

Granted Lilys grass court from hasnt been great this year but she still is ranked inside the top 150.

 Agree Mervatron. Lily's form has dipped but overall I most certainly think MD WC for Lily, WR 147(!) last week at WC time, and Q WC for Sonay, WR 275 last week, made sense.

Very well done to Sonay and while not just about overall rankings IMO these 2 calls were still logical and correct. 


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Mervatron2 wrote:
dodrade wrote:
PaulM wrote:

Thrilled for Sonay. What an achievement. And she's done it quietly without fuss or fanfare. Just got on with the job. Fantastic.

 It was pretty churlish of the AELTC not to give her a MD WC in the first place when she's clearly a better player than Lily who did get one.

 Hmmm. Im not sure you can say that as things stand. Lily has won 2 75ks in the last 6 months and qualified and got the second round of the us open. When Sonay has achieved that fair enough. 

Granted Lilys grass court from hasnt been great this year but she still is ranked inside the top 150.

 I think a wild card into qualifying for Sonay was correct. She's been injured a lot and only just climbing back up the rankings. And having lost in the main draw as a wild card the last two years, how great to earn her place with three solid wins.

Am a big fan of her game. A really compact player, with a whip of a forehand as CD says. She's coached by Julie Pullin (now Hobbs) and I see her influence in Sonay's game. Julie was a lefty but also was able to whip her forehand to great effect.

I hope this gives Sonay the boost she needs and (like many of our players), wishing her an injury free second half of the year.




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And I think Lily deserves to be rewarded for her overall performances over the last 12 months, not punished for her recent form. She'll be very aware that she's struggling on grass, so fingers crossed she gets an opponent she can at least be competitive against.


Intermediate Club Player

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Well done Sonay
At least one of our three girls slipped through today
Im going to watch Hannahs match on playback, but also well done to her.


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Sonay quoted as saying she didn't think she'd play this year:

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