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Post Info TOPIC: Week 26 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - women's qualifying

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RE: Week 26 - The Championships, Wimbledon (grass) - women's qualifying

9vicman wrote:
JonH comes home wrote:

I guess there could be lucky losers in due course? How does that work for Wimbledon? The number of lucky losers spaces plus 1 taken from the top ranked losers?

Im guessing there is little chance of Marni being in for any sort of look in?

Minimum of 4 players in the hat, and has to be at least two more players than spots avaliable. But for Marni, no chance.

 thank you!


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Sonay takes the first set 6-3


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Shes only lost 4 points so far in the second set. Up 5-0.

-- Edited by Doonan on Thursday 27th of June 2024 02:11:09 PM


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Doonan wrote:

Shes only lost 4 points so far in the second set. Up 5-0.

-- Edited by Doonan on Thursday 27th of June 2024 02:11:09 PM

 Yes, being very persistent     Go, Sonay!


Hall of fame

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Fabulous win for Sonay!!!


Hall of fame

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Great achievement. Really pleased for her.


Tennis legend

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Thats great, well done Sonay!!


Tennis legend

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What an amazing match point

I must admit, I'd expected her to be very playable but Erika does not go up in my estimation

But I love Sonay's whippy forehand, where you don't really know where it's going, and crosscourt gets so much angle

Erika was all over the place

Super win


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Well done Sonay! That's a great looking win.

Come on brits :D

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Hannah Klugman, 15, maybe not quite strong enough for this level yet. No disgrace in that.


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Neil Gee wrote:

Hannah Klugman, 15, maybe not quite strong enough for this level yet. No disgrace in that.

 3-6 *3-5 in the FQR. She pretty much is at the level. It's very impressive. Could she even yet pull back here?


Tennis legend

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Not to be this time. Hannah loses 6-3 6-3. Be interesting to hear report(s).


Tennis legend

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Thrilled for Sonay. What an achievement. And she's done it quietly without fuss or fanfare. Just got on with the job. Fantastic.


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PaulM wrote:

Thrilled for Sonay. What an achievement. And she's done it quietly without fuss or fanfare. Just got on with the job. Fantastic.



Strong Club Player

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Well done, Sonay! Great achievement.

And a really good effort by Hannah. She held her own against a player with 500 ranking places and 8 years on her. It's a good measure of what Hannah's going to be capable of going forwards. smile

Pity about Marni, who I expected to do better.cry

But overall, it's been a good qualifying tournament for the GB players.

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