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Post Info TOPIC: Week 25 - ATP 500 - cinch Championships - The Queen's Club, London Great Britain (grass)

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RE: Week 25 - ATP 500 - cinch Championships - The Queen's Club, London Great Britain (grass)

Coup Droit wrote:

Frankly, whoever paid £150 or whatever for tickets today got absolutely had

Raonic blasting aces, Cam losing, a Dimitrov walk in the part, one match the didn't get finished even though the weather has been glorious, the only decent match ending early as Tiafoe got injured, and the 7th seed (who the crowd like) getting knocked out

 That would be me then!

Was going to post earlier but was a bit hacked off about the whole day.

Am going again tomorrow and hopefully will be in a better frame of mind to give some updates.

First visit to Queens for best part of 20 years and probably wont be rushing back. Surbiton and Nottingham much better experiences (and IW of course)


Tennis legend

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Do SO hope you get a better day there today, Brittak

THe match schedule certainly seems a lot better

(Why on earth was there 5 R1 matches yesterday and 11 today? Were ticket prices for Monday a lot cheaper, I don't remember seeing that)



Satellite level

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Thanks CD!

I dont understand why there were only 5 singles matches yesterday either. I was a bit shocked about the paucity of the OOP when i saw it published.

Yes the schedule is better today - not just from a British perspective but having matches on different courts which means you can have a bit of a walk around and take in various matches from time to time. This is part of the experience for me.

Might also mean there will be less people trying to get a drink or use the facilities at the same time. At one point yesterday you couldnt work out which was the queue for the bar and which for the ladies loo, the latter snaking round the whole area (thats probably another story about the number of facilities for women but as a man best not to go there!!!).

Id also forgotten that the court isnt in the centre of the stands so my ticket was (a standard and by no means a premium) well off to the side, in a corner, so i couldnt see the whole court at times which is a bit disappointing really given the cost. My ticket today is £18 more expensive than yesterday and is in a slightly different area.

Frankly Cams match was a bit of a snooze fest and it would take a better returner than he is to deal with 50 odd aces. Never been a big fan of Raonics game - it might be very effective and all but not good as a spectacle.

Any how enough of the mpans and groans, another sunny day beckons (yesterday was lovely - such a relief after the last few weeks) and hopefully a load of good tennis to look forward to.

Come on the Brits!!

-- Edited by brittak on Tuesday 18th of June 2024 09:22:59 AM


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Not an early start so there should be no delays and then tennis for as long as you want smile

Have a good time !


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First set Billy 6-4!


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Evo takes the first set of Nakashima - Nakashima reached the semis in Surbiton and then Stuttgart so well used to grass and playing well on it. Keep it up, Dan.


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What a win from Billy!


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Our first Queen's main draw winner:

L32:  (WC) Billy Harris WR 162  (= CH) defeated Tomás Martín Etcheverry (ARG) WR 32 by 6-4 3-6 6-3  biggrin

The way things are going in GMP's match against Ben Shelton (6) at the moment, the French qualifier is going to come out on top &, with the best will in the world,  I don't fancy Blly's chances against him.


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Dan retires !


Hall of fame

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Brilliant!! Well done Billy


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What a win for Billy! Lovely rankings boost and some decent cash as well.


Hall of fame

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DF wrote:

Dan retires !



Hall of fame

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Posts: 9058

Dan had a nasty fall apparently


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Anyone know what happened with Dan?


Tennis legend

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Wow, I can hear Bob's cheers and whoops from here

Well done, Billy

Brilliant job

Do hope Dan's OK

There's been a lot of tumbles and falls

Rune was complaining about it yesterday in relation to Centre Court, saying it was completely wrong that the court hadn't been played on

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