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Post Info TOPIC: Week 25 - ATP 500 - cinch Championships - The Queen's Club, London Great Britain (grass)

Tennis legend

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Week 25 - ATP 500 - cinch Championships - The Queen's Club, London Great Britain (grass)



Satellite level

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Im in bits.
What an afternoon!
Superb from Jack and then so chuffed for Billy!

They both played so well and for Billy - so so great and what a lovely composed performance.

I have a ticket for tomorrow - hopefully, it will be another good day


Intermediate Club Player

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This is now presumably his biggest ever points haul from a single tournament. Great achievement.


Tennis legend

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Bob in Spain wrote:

Anyone got one of those little machines that measures blood pressure to lend me.

I could oblige there, Bob, but it would probably cost you a fortune in post-Brexit import duties!  wink


Tennis legend

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Doonan wrote:

This is now presumably his biggest ever points haul from a single tournament. Great achievement.

Yes.  Think it must be as he has never even won a Challenger.


Tennis legend

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100 ( net 90 ) ranking points added ( so far! ) for both Jack and Billy.

Jack currently live ranked 28 on 1461 points.

Billy currently live ranked 138 on 456 points.

100 more points up for grabs in the QF


Tennis legend

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Double wow!


Club Coach

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Two huge break out performances in one day for the Brits at Queens. This is just the antidote we needed after the wipe out at Roland Garros.


Futures level

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Got quite teary over Billy's win. Two fabulous performances.


Tennis legend

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Neil Gee wrote:

Two huge break out performances in one day for the Brits at Queens. This is just the antidote we needed after the wipe out at Roland Garros.



Grand Slam Champion

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I thought Billy breaking into the Top 300 was him smashing through his ceiling - wow!!! Late bloomers do exist LTA!!!!!


Tennis legend

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Jack out of Eastbourne, good call.

He can win this event, for sure.

And Billy aint finished, Id say, musetti or Nakashima next, Musetti up a set.


Tennis legend

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One thing that stood out for me today was how composed Billy looked on the big stage. The only time he looked remotely uncomfortable was when they stuck a microphone in front of his face after the match. If he keeps playing like this, he needs to brush up on his interview technique.


Tennis legend

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An article about Billy by Stuart Fraser from yesterday's Times (also posted in Billy's individual thread)


Tennis legend

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Looks like Billy will be on second tomorrow and Jack third.

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