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Post Info TOPIC: Weeks 22+23 - Roland Garros men’s singles main draw

Strong Club Player

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Weeks 22+23 - Roland Garros men’s singles main draw

A pity for Cerundolo, but then I suppose he had his chance to win. Always seems odd when a LL is in after losing in qualifying but a walkover appears in this situation. I know qualifying is classed as a separate tournament which explains it.


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F Cerundolo was 23rd seed, not a lucky loser. There is a J Cerundolo who was in qualifying but didn't get beyond the Q2.

-- Edited by miriam abc on Tuesday 4th of June 2024 07:28:22 PM


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miriam abc wrote:

F Cerundolo was 23rd seed, not a lucky loser. There is a J Cerundolo who was in qualifying but didn't get beyond the Q2.

-- Edited by miriam abc on Tuesday 4th of June 2024 07:28:22 PM

 I think Vicman was talking more generally as opposed to about Cerundolo specifically, tbf. 


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JonH comes home wrote:
miriam abc wrote:

F Cerundolo was 23rd seed, not a lucky loser. There is a J Cerundolo who was in qualifying but didn't get beyond the Q2.

-- Edited by miriam abc on Tuesday 4th of June 2024 07:28:22 PM

 I think Vicman was talking more generally as opposed to about Cerundolo specifically, tbf. 

 I (not Vicman) was talking generally, thanks. It's a pity for him, and the tournament, that Cerundolo didn't win, seeing as Djokovic was then out anyway as it turned out. At least there would have been a qf match, for example. No idea if there is another Cerundolo, just making the point also that tennis is odd when a lucky loser gets back in and sometimes wins, perhaps against the person who knocked them out even (or even wins the whole tournament as Coco did when she won one of her first pro tournament wins).


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Spireman wrote:
JonH comes home wrote:
miriam abc wrote:

F Cerundolo was 23rd seed, not a lucky loser. There is a J Cerundolo who was in qualifying but didn't get beyond the Q2.

-- Edited by miriam abc on Tuesday 4th of June 2024 07:28:22 PM

 I think Vicman was talking more generally as opposed to about Cerundolo specifically, tbf. 

 I (not Vicman) was talking generally, thanks. It's a pity for him, and the tournament, that Cerundolo didn't win, seeing as Djokovic was then out anyway as it turned out. At least there would have been a qf match, for example. No idea if there is another Cerundolo, just making the point also that tennis is odd when a lucky loser gets back in and sometimes wins, perhaps against the person who knocked them out even (or even wins the whole tournament as Coco did when she won one of her first pro tournament wins).

 I knew it had a man in it! And it had gone over page so I couldnt be bothered checking! And got it wrong ! 


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And J is Fs brother!


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I see my name has been taken in vain this evening!


Intermediate Club Player

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miriam abc wrote:

F Cerundolo was 23rd seed, not a lucky loser. There is a J Cerundolo who was in qualifying but didn't get beyond the Q2.

-- Edited by miriam abc on Tuesday 4th of June 2024 07:28:22 PM

 Sorry, misunderstood. 


Club Coach

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Well Djokovic is having knee surgery, almost definitely out of Wimbledon and not even certain for the Olympics. I know the majority of us (including myself) don't like it support him but that is pretty rough and could very well be the end of his reign depending on how well he recovers.



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Blue_Belle wrote:

Well Djokovic is having knee surgery, almost definitely out of Wimbledon and not even certain for the Olympics. I know the majority of us (including myself) don't like it support him but that is pretty rough and could very well be the end of his reign depending on how well he recovers.

 That is disappointing for tennis, I think, and as you say, dont like him, but dont like to see this. 

It certainly opens Wimbledon up though, wide open in fact - might give Cam and Jack an incentive to get that seeding spot as well as it is one place closer now. 


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I won't deny that I'm happy Djokovic is out

Though I do hope that he gets this injury satisfactorily sorted. Then just retire, mate.


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It certainly changes the narrative for the event with Novak and Rafa (presumably?) not playing. Andy will still dominate some headlines but the press will focus on the other top players and the show courts will not be dominated by the big 4. We might even see some of the bigger names on smaller courts as, being honest, they havent built the following to always be on centre court. I love seeing bigger names out on court 2 or 13 or whatever it is these days, would love them to be a bit more flexible with the schedules


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JonH comes home wrote:

It certainly changes the narrative for the event with Novak and Rafa (presumably?) not playing. Andy will still dominate some headlines but the press will focus on the other top players and the show courts will not be dominated by the big 4. We might even see some of the bigger names on smaller courts as, being honest, they havent built the following to always be on centre court. I love seeing bigger names out on court 2 or 13 or whatever it is these days, would love them to be a bit more flexible with the schedules

Yes, the remaining top non 'big 4' players will probably not yet be as fixtures on the show courts as the big 4 became.

But, without Federer, Djokovic, ( almost certainly ).Nadal and maybe not too much of Andy, players such as Sinner and Alcaraz will this year undoubtedly be scheduled much more on the show courts than previously. So for this year and possibly increasingly thereafter ( if they have continued success ) the opportunities to see them away from the show courts will largely have passed.


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I'm not a Djoko fan

But I thought he put his complaints about the court very well

Amélie, and the team, do not come out of this well


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And that's not even talking about the 3.30 am finish......

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