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Post Info TOPIC: Weeks 22+23 - Roland Garros men’s singles main draw

Tennis legend

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Weeks 22+23 - Roland Garros men’s singles main draw

9vicman wrote:
JonH comes home wrote:

Well, anyway, main thing is things develop and times move on, and Im sure that will be the case with Wimbledon as well.

 Wimbledon always has moved on. So many developments over the last half century, and they continue to be ambitious.

 It has often been the case of moving on / following on eventually - eg. play on the middle Sunday, final sset TBs at 12-12 and later more sensible final set MTBs at 6-6, men's doubles refuced to best of 3 sets. 

Late to get there but in these cases good that they did get there eventually.. I do hope that we never see scheduled closed roof night sessions at Wimbledon and they do stick to their oft stated view that Wimbledon is in essence an outdoor grass tournament with the rood as a.contingency.


Tennis legend

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yes, I think Wimbledon has been daftly stubborn about many things - and given in, rather petulantly - such as fifth sets, middle Sunday etc

Certain things they've given in on too, and I don't know why - I liked the doubles qualifiers - no other grand slam had a qualifying draw - but it didn't seem to cause too much scheduling problems, the crowd liked it, and it gave some extra names a real shot - I wish they'd bring that back - far rather they bring that back, indeed, than the best of five for the FQR round which I think is daft

But they're the first to have an U14 event, which I like

And I hope they keep the white dress code - why not - it's 'traditional'

And I certainly hope that they don't switch to routine 8.30 pm night matches with a roof and lights !!!!


Tennis legend

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And Im not saying Id like them to have a night session indoors,


Club Coach

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I was referring more to the continued development of the stadium and its facilities. The new No. 1 Court, and subsequent development of other stadium courts. Development of old Aorangi Park. Facilities for players, media and broadcast. And of course the (eventual) expansion into the old golf course.

Appreciate that all Slams are moving forward in upgrading their stadiums, but certainly think Wimbledon has led the way in some areas.

But yes, they have been stuck in their ways too with middle Sunday, 5-set doubles and advantage sets. And the start on Centre Court and Court 1 is still too late in my opinion.

But I like the fact that mixed doubles is still best of 3 tiebreak sets, and also the best of 5 sets final round of qualifying, provided that the men have a day off beforehand which hasn't always happened.

As for doubles qualifying (and there used to be mixed), entries weren't particularly strong in the final years, so don't think a great loss. Although Huss and Moodie won as qualifiers in 2005 which was a great story.


Tennis legend

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Alcaraz doing an Agassi - has 3 of the 4 slam titles now.

And fancy him for Wimbledon. Hope we see him at Queens - good for the game. 3 slams at his age is decent going.

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