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Wimbledon wildcards

Surely JoMo is in the mix if he has recovered from his bone stress injury and isn't skipping the grass?


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Lambda wrote:

Surely JoMo is in the mix if he has recovered from his bone stress injury and isn't skipping the grass?

 It's been said somewhere, maybe earlier on in this thread or in another that JoMo is staying in the US to train. I'm sure that was him I was reading about 



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Blue_Belle wrote:

Lambda wrote:

Surely JoMo is in the mix if he has recovered from his bone stress injury and isn't skipping the grass?

 It's been said somewhere, maybe earlier on in this thread or in another that JoMo is staying in the US to train. I'm sure that was him I was reading about 

That was me that said that. But Tennessee said this week he's starting his pro career later this month.


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Probably would be on the cards for a qualifying wild card


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Interesting to see where the mens wild cards will now go: We have 7 players not directly entered in the top 250 now.

Oli C

Just outside now, we have Jake and behind him, Paul Jubb.

We also have various posts around here suggesting Thiem has got a wild card

Taking that on face value, my feeling is that the direct acceptances will therefore most likely go to:

Thiem (assuming it is correct and he has one)
Liam (assuming fit)
Billy (without any doubts)
Jan (I am not 100% confident on this but...)
Charlie (now he is top 250 and after his excellent form in the grass events)
Jake (for winning the Nottingham CHallenger, it feels like a Challenger win, on grass, by a Brit - that will get the nod!)
Henry (for being Junior champion at Wimbledon and for also having some great results on grass)

Which leaves one - Ryan and Paul I feel now could well miss out and have to settle for qualies places (Paul with a wild card); Oli Crawford won't get a MDWC, maybe a QWC?

So, I think the final spot will go to any not yet qualified player at Ilkley, or maybe another old star in need of a wild card, or if it goes to a Brit, then Arthur Fery might get it.

-- Edited by JonH comes home on Monday 17th of June 2024 07:37:18 AM


Challenger level

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JonH comes home wrote:

Interesting to see where the mens wild cards will now go: We have 7 players not directly entered in the top 250 now.

Oli C

Just outside now, we have Jake and behind him, Paul Jubb.

We also have various posts around here suggesting Thiem has got a wild card

Taking that on face value, my feeling is that the direct acceptances will therefore most likely go to:

Thiem (assuming it is correct and he has one)
Liam (assuming fit)
Billy (without any doubts)
Jan (I am not 100% confident on this but...)
Charlie (now he is top 250 and after his excellent form in the grass events)
Jake (for winning the Nottingham CHallenger, it feels like a Challenger win, on grass, by a Brit - that will get the nod!)
Henry (for being Junior champion at Wimbledon and for also having some great results on grass)

Which leaves one - Ryan and Paul I feel now could well miss out and have to settle for qualies places (Paul with a wild card); Oli Crawford won't get a MDWC, maybe a QWC?

So, I think the final spot will go to any not yet qualified player at Ilkley, or maybe another old star in need of a wild card, or if it goes to a Brit, then Arthur Fery might get it.

-- Edited by JonH comes home on Monday 17th of June 2024 07:37:18 AM

 As a Ryan fan I feel he has been a little hard done by this season....though I also do understand.  He has had excellent results the last two years on Grass but received next to nothing this year.  He is coming back from a long spell out of course, and his results have not been enough to justify anything different.  If he can manage something at Ilkley this week though, on the basis of giving them to pick who may actually pick up a win, I think Ryan should get a MD one.  He has to perform at Ilkley though.


 Its really not as bad as they say :)

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I don't think Charlie is getting a MD WC


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Coup Droit wrote:

I don't think Charlie is getting a MD WC

 Before last week I would have agreed. But last week asks the question. Probably might need to back it up this week with at least a quarter final. I guess he made my list night on recency bias.


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Crawford wont need a QWC as he is already in. Has yet to play a match on grass this season tho


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Re Charlie - there used to be a thing about players needing to be top 250 to be considered (forget Jake for a second) and Charlie now fits that, plus he has moved ahead of Arthur in the rankings.

I guess we will see later this week.

I dont know if that top 250 is a thing or used to be a thing, but I know the press used to go with it and Morgado mentioned in a tweet the other day.

re Jake - winning that challenger title plays to that debate we had about challenger winners getting wild cards earlier in this thread - it feels to me that a Brit getting a challenger title surely ticks a lot of boxes? Plus his ranking is lower than it would be normally due to his US college commitments, so presumably that would be a consideration?


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Wouldnt give jan one as hes not actually a British player having played for and grown up in Germany, he is also 28 and I think we should be encouraging younger players who have come through the system rather than someone who just switched to represent us to take the mick off the support we offer, may be a controversial opinion but its what I believe


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Same goes for Crawford



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Not sure it's bad having this opinion I agree with Crawford completely but feel Jan obviously has committed fully to GB as it's been what 4/5 years? I'm not sure he deserves one based on form mind you but he won 1 round last year so wont mind either way myself... 


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LTA guidance on Wimbledon WCs. Says no ranking threshold and that the LTA will give AELTC up to 8 recommendations across both main and qualifying draws.


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twentytoone wrote:

Wouldnt give jan one as hes not actually a British player having played for and grown up in Germany, he is also 28 and I think we should be encouraging younger players who have come through the system rather than someone who just switched to represent us to take the mick off the support we offer, may be a controversial opinion but its what I believe

 What system? As discussed a large majority have come through the US college system. 

Jan got a WC last year and won a round. 

Edit - he's been playing for GB since 2019.

-- Edited by Blue_Belle on Monday 17th of June 2024 11:14:00 AM



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