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Post Info TOPIC: Wimbledon wildcards

Tennis legend

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Wimbledon wildcards

Just as a reminder, the places in the Pre-Qualies playoffs are decided as follows:

16 places
10 direct acceptances
6 wildcards (of which only two are discretionary)

Womens Wild Cards.

1 wild card from winning the Lexus British Tour Premier West Worthing

2 wild cards for the top 2 GB players on the ITF junior ranking list at 19 June having signed in (if
either of the 2 highest ranked juniors have already won the Lexus Junior National Championships
18U Girls Singles 2024 & won a Qualifying wild card then the next highest ranked junior)

1 wild card for the top ranked NCAA player having signed in (subject to the player being in the NCAA
top 100).

If any of the above wild cards are not required or accepted the wild card will go back to the LTA
Womens Performance Team

2 further discretionary wild card from the LTA Performance Team *


Futures level

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Millie shouldn't need a wild card for the play-offs. She will be the last in to the play-offs directly if 5 qualifying wild cards available are given out to players above her.

Also, the junior wild cards won't be needed - Hannah and Mika will as a minimum be directly in to the play-offs if they don't get a qualifying wild card. The LTA will have at least 4 wild cards, probably 5, to give out for the play-offs.

The top 15 not in qualifying and currently active (excluding Mimi who already has a qWC) are
Millie R

5 of them should receive a qWC, leaving the other 10 to be in the play-offs directly.


Tennis legend

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I would imagine Talia hopes to be in the mix though for the discretionary ones

And maybe even Isa Lacy although her tennis doesn't seem to be in a good place

There's also a reasonable chance that Sophie D-Lewis gets a wildcard too

I don't think it's going to be quite as linear as it might seem


Tennis legend

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Talia is still entered for an ITF next week, but she could withdraw or lose early (again, sadly, been a tough run for her) and make it in time. A ranking around 1000 usually gets you in to the play-offs doesn't it?


Top national player

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Eleanor Dean?


Tennis legend

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emmsie69 wrote:

Eleanor Dean?

 Not a chance (just my opinion) 


Tennis legend

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So, following events in Worthing, for the wildcard play-offs, one place is going to go to one of:

Sally Pethybridge, Ruby Cooling, Gabia or Allegra K Davies

Which are not names on most people's lists


Tennis legend

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Yes, quite the results there... Gabia presumably the favourite and she might have been in the running for a wild card as an outside bet if other top juniors get in anyway?

-- Edited by PaulM on Wednesday 12th of June 2024 08:06:37 PM


Strong Club Player

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Coup Droit wrote:

So, following events in Worthing, for the wildcard play-offs, one place is going to go to one of:

Sally Pethybridge, Ruby Cooling, Gabia or Allegra K Davies

Which are not names on most people's lists

 Of whom only Ruby Cooling (5)was seeded. The only other seed to even reach the quarters was Alice Gillan


Tennis legend

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I think Sally will beat Ruby

And Gabia v Allegra might be closish but, yes, Gabia probably as favourite there


Strong Club Player

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I really like the principle that someone can go through this tournament then (in theory) qwc playoffs, qualis and main draw! Clearly a vanishingly small chance of winning Wimbledon itself but for those 4, at this stage it isn't 0%. Would make a great film if it happened!


Tennis legend

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I had a feeling there was an LTA Wildcard Playoff site linked somewhere with the place the tournament draws will be, but Ive searched high and low and couldnt find it here or via the LTA site - they make tracking down events so hard!

Anyone with a link to an LTA tournie page or if there is already a thread here, I couldnt find it! Thank you!


Tennis legend

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Spireman wrote:

I really like the principle that someone can go through this tournament then (in theory) qwc playoffs, qualis and main draw! Clearly a vanishingly small chance of winning Wimbledon itself but for those 4, at this stage it isn't 0%. Would make a great film if it happened!

 Yeah - a sort of Road to Wimbledon thing. A bit like a team in FA Cup extra preliminary round, then going through preliminaries, qualifying and then into the first round proper. Glory! 


Satellite level

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A Wimbledon wild card will be worth having as it was reported in the paper today that a first round loser will receive £60,000.


Tennis legend

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A Wimbledon wild card will be worth having as it was reported in the paper today that a first round loser will receive £60,000.

 And 15k for a first round qualfier loser !

Full prizemoney list has been published - link is in another thread somewhere.

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