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Wimbledon wildcards

Parks is recovering from a very recent 13 match losing streak. I'm not convinced winning Gaiba would be enough, of would be more merit than winning Ilkley. But let's see.


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Blue_Belle wrote:

Sorry but just because it's Katie, who is lovely, a great player etc and who actually didn't get through to quals, should not be suddenly promoted to the main draw!

Also, unless anyone actually knows either the players involved or the committee, how do we know that they didn't offer Katie something and turned it down? Or that she was ready to compete at all?

This is true. I remember in 2010, Naomi Cavaday didn't get a main draw wild card and we were all shocked and it transpired that she had been offered one and turned it down, preferring to play her way in though qualies. It didn't work out (she lost in QR2 to Hlavackova, who went on to make R2 of the main draw) but I couldn't help being impressed by her decision to try to do it the hard way.

No doubt that's a much harder decision to make these days though, when the main draw R1 prize money is so much higher than it was back then.


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Last WC goes to Tomljanovic


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Not a huge surprise I suppose after Brum, although actually I think she was already in with a SR. So basically she's switched that to a WC so will have it to use for another Slam, and it's let Bektas into the draw as first alternate. So it's effectively unused (although it works well for Alja personally).

-- Edited by PaulM on Sunday 23rd of June 2024 05:00:57 PM


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She just got 1 at RG fgs.


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PaulM wrote:

Not a huge surprise I suppose after Brum, although actually I think she was already in with a SR. So basically she's switched that to a WC so will have it to use for another Slam, and it's let Bektas into the draw as first alternate. So it's effectively unused (although it works well for Alja personally).

-- Edited by PaulM on Sunday 23rd of June 2024 05:00:57 PM

 Yes, she was already in with SR33. She's been playing pretty well though so not a huge surprise.


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Tomljanovic has had awful luck with injuries over the last couple of years so I think extending her SR because shes been offered a wild card is deserved


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We've got our own players that have had awful luck with injuries so I disagree. If she was already in with an SR and she saved one getting a WC for RG she's effectively got 4 entries to GS.


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emmsie69 wrote:

We've got our own players that have had awful luck with injuries so I disagree. If she was already in with an SR and she saved one getting a WC for RG she's effectively got 4 entries to GS.

 Totally agree - she is hugely fortunate to get this last wildcard. I didn't think she was even in the frame of likely candidates. Shows what I know.

On another topic on the wildcards, does anyone know why Clevie Ngounoue, an American has got one into qualifying  - I always pay most attention to who has got actual wildcards to the main draw, as it is so difficult to qualify, but this one for qualifying definitely felt a bit leftfield. 

Other than she is a young American player of Cameroonian descent, I don't know much about her - no doubt the impressive set of tennis boffins on here know much more than I do.


Andy Parker

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Clervie is because she won Juniors last year

Which is standard, and fine

But I agree too about Aijla


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Andy Parker wrote:
emmsie69 wrote:

We've got our own players that have had awful luck with injuries so I disagree. If she was already in with an SR and she saved one getting a WC for RG she's effectively got 4 entries to GS.

 Totally agree - she is hugely fortunate to get this last wildcard. I didn't think she was even in the frame of likely candidates. Shows what I know.

On another topic on the wildcards, does anyone know why Clevie Ngounoue, an American has got one into qualifying  - I always pay most attention to who has got actual wildcards to the main draw, as it is so difficult to qualify, but this one for qualifying definitely felt a bit leftfield. 

Other than she is a young American player of Cameroonian descent, I don't know much about her - no doubt the impressive set of tennis boffins on here know much more than I do.


 She won junior Wimbledon last year. Traditionally junior winners get QWC the year after if theyre not able to get in on their own ranking.



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I think Clevie Ngounoue won the girls tournament last year?


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Andy Parker wrote:
emmsie69 wrote:

We've got our own players that have had awful luck with injuries so I disagree. If she was already in with an SR and she saved one getting a WC for RG she's effectively got 4 entries to GS.

 Totally agree - she is hugely fortunate to get this last wildcard. I didn't think she was even in the frame of likely candidates. Shows what I know.

On another topic on the wildcards, does anyone know why Clevie Ngounoue, an American has got one into qualifying  - I always pay most attention to who has got actual wildcards to the main draw, as it is so difficult to qualify, but this one for qualifying definitely felt a bit leftfield. 

Other than she is a young American player of Cameroonian descent, I don't know much about her - no doubt the impressive set of tennis boffins on here know much more than I do.


 She won 2023 Girls Junior Wimbledon


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emmsie69 wrote:

We've got our own players that have had awful luck with injuries so I disagree. If she was already in with an SR and she saved one getting a WC for RG she's effectively got 4 entries to GS.

Which of our players have been injured and havent been awarded a wildcard? If Ive missed this than yes I take that back



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markymc1983 wrote:
emmsie69 wrote:

We've got our own players that have had awful luck with injuries so I disagree. If she was already in with an SR and she saved one getting a WC for RG she's effectively got 4 entries to GS.

Which of our players have been injured and havent been awarded a wildcard? If Ive missed this than yes I take that back


Katie Swan? 

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