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Post Info TOPIC: Wimbledon wildcards

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RE: Wimbledon wildcards

Matilda hasn't played since early February
Not sure if Sarah Tatu will come over from Spain for this, she may do.
Bronte as Jon says is in the US.
The junior WCs don't go beyond the top 3, but I do agree that Gabia and Isabelle are likely to be in one way or another.
Hep is still showing as playing in Frinton this week.


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Yes I agree CD, and entirely possible as Millie will not be seeded


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I think Millie is really hard done by: a stellar college career and two Top 100 wins in Edgbaston, and she isn't even worthy of a qualifying wild card. Yes, Mika is talented and it would be good experience, but don't see amy reason that she can't focus on juniors this year. And Millie has the ability to qualify for the main draw.


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Looking at the seven given wildcards into the main draw, these were the seven I thought would get it. With more places still up for grabs, a win at Ilkley would cement another place (and any Brit reaching the final could be in contention too)I think.

Simone Halep isn't anywhere yet, and I don't know if she is in the mix for a final place, but I think the committee will have looked at what was said when her drugs ban was overturned, about her being reckless, and so won't grant her any special favours. I'm pleased Venus hasn't got one of the places, as I feel her time as a singles player is over.

All in all, I'm happy none of our main Brits lost out, and I wonder whether Fran sneaked in because of Jodie B's withdrawal, or whether they would have put them both in, if they had both been fit.

I'm really happy with the decisions, though I think it is a massive shock not to see Millie with a qualifying wildcard.

Andy Parker

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Simona has said that she didn't request a wildcard because of her knee


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Coup Droit wrote:

Simona has said that she didn't request a wildcard because of her knee

 That's good news for the Brits, especially for those still in the Ilkley draw, I think.

Andy Parker


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Hi - Millies Mum her - she also won the W80 Tyler doubles with her NC State fellow player Abigail Rencheli ...


Michelle x

Also - thank you for all your kind comments ref Millie - it is what it is as they say - she's fine - just set off for London for the Play offs - she's very much a glass half full kind of girl - she sat on the bench at NC State for a good while ...

Michelle x

-- Edited by Mm on Wednesday 19th of June 2024 01:49:33 PM

M Anthony

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Mm wrote:

Hi - Millies Mum her - she also won the W80 Tyler doubles with her NC State fellow player Abigail Rencheli ...


Michelle x


 Will Millie play the playoffs, Michelle? Hope she will and can show them they made a mistake!


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PaulM wrote:

I think people saying Millie should be on the list should also be saying who they would take off to make space. Because it's not like there's any sitting unallocated.

Other option is to scrap play-offs altogether or play it right through and in only have one winner. But they'd have needed to decide that months ago.

 Mika, easy answer not sure what shes doing on there to be honest 


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Mm wrote:

Hi - Millies Mum her - she also won the W80 Tyler doubles with her NC State fellow player Abigail Rencheli ...


Michelle x

Also - thank you for all your kind comments ref Millie - it is what it is as they say - she's fine - just set off for London for the Play offs - she's very much a glass half full kind of girl - she sat on the bench at NC State for a good while ...


Michelle x

-- Edited by Mm on Wednesday 19th of June 2024 01:49:33 PM

 Brilliant !

Wish her all the best from us smile

And tell her to get a good partner and badger those LTA/AELTC bods for a doubles wildcard biggrin



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Hi just posted above -


Also - thank you for all your kind comments ref Millie - it is what it is as they say - she's fine - just set off for London for the Play offs - she's very much a glass half full kind of girl - she sat on the bench at NC State for a good while ...


Michelle x

M Anthony

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Thanks Michelle. Whatever happens she's had a fab few weeks building on fantastic college career. Lots of things to make that glass more than half full!


Strong Club Player

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Link below shows what happened last year. Didn't play last match in each half....I think they let all semifinalists into qualis but may be wrong?


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Spireman wrote:

Link below shows what happened last year. Didn't play last match in each half....I think they let all semifinalists into qualis but may be wrong?

 Of course, with 7 declared Q WCs there is only room for the 2 finalists this year.

So for the majority it is probably about a) getting drawn in the other half to Millie and b) then winning that half.

I am sure Millie herself is taking nothing for granted and will just get on with business. Hopefully she will have more than enough.

As for the other place who knows. Ranah and Ella would have been in my contenders if they hadn't been doing 'too well' in Ilkley and so are presumably counted out.

-- Edited by indiana on Wednesday 19th of June 2024 05:10:04 PM


Intermediate Club Player

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2 Amarni BANKS (GBR)
3 Sonay KARTAL (GBR)
4 Hannah KLUGMAN (GBR)
5 Clervie NGOUNOUE (USA)
7 Mingge XU (GBR)
8 Wild Card Play-off place
9 Wild Card Play-off place

I dont think there are any shocks here other than Millie not being in the qualifying.
I think this has been done pretty much on ranking as I said it probably would be a few weeks ago apart from the obvious 3 young guns who are pretty much tied at the hip with age and ability so the decision makers probably had the option to either include Hannah, Mika and Mimi or drop all three of them down to the play-offs (which wouldnt be right in my eyes).because I think all three of them have beaten each other so I dont think you can split the 3

Next you look at who else would Millie replace maybe Emily app?
Im not sure if they have ever played each other, but with Emily Appletons recent few wins (similar to Millie,) and her ranking I dont think team apples would have been very happy being leap frogged by someone with a ranking of around 900 although I would put money on Amelia beating Emily especially on Grass.

Next you look at Marni and Sonay who were both certain to get a wild card along with Fran (before frans food run at Notts) due to their ranking and both on LTA programs/funding and I think have very good head-to-heads against Millie so its very difficult to see who you would drop from that list to include Millie so you can see that this was a tough one.

So I think everybody has been given a peg up and the only downfall for Millie was her ranking however her level of tennis is currently up there with or beyond Marni and Sonay but infortunately her ranking isnt yet.

Millie needs to get some good momentum and breeze through the play-offs and then do some serious damage in quallys and then hopefully main draw.

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