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Post Info TOPIC: Wimbledon wildcards

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RE: Wimbledon wildcards

Coup Droit wrote:

I think Sally will beat Ruby

And Gabia v Allegra might be closish but, yes, Gabia probably as favourite there

 Sally did indeed beat Ruby, as expected

And Gabia v Allegra was indeed pretty close - but it was Allegra who came out on top

SO it's Sally v Allegra for that wimbledon qualis playoff wildcard  


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JonH comes home wrote:

I had a feeling there was an LTA Wildcard Playoff site linked somewhere with the place the tournament draws will be, but Ive searched high and low and couldnt find it here or via the LTA site - they make tracking down events so hard!

Anyone with a link to an LTA tournie page or if there is already a thread here, I couldnt find it! Thank you!

This is the fact sheet (I imagine it has already been posted elsewhere if you know about the West Worthing winner getting a WC into the playoffs)

The draws should appear at when they are available.



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Tennis legend

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Thank you Steven!


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First lot of WCs should be announced on Weds



Tennis legend

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Allegra Korpanec Davies has a wildcard for the Wimbly wildcard play-offs, thanks to winning the Worthing Tour event today

Well done to her


ATP level

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If there are a total of 17 wildcards to give out over MD and qualies, then taking 3 out for other nationalities, 2 out for Harriet and Katie in by right, atleast 2 out for injuries that we know about then by my reckoning the playoff qualies 10 DA will be ranked lower than 700, Mika, Rainer, Hannah and Mimi are all in the 600s and ranked 17 to 20 so would all be legitimate WCs into qualies.
When I mentioned Eleanor Dean it was for a WC into the playoffs, not qualies and she has withdrawn from Monastir next week but is then entered into a W50 the following week.
I think her and SDL will get a place in the playoffs.


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I don't think there's any chance whatsoever of a wildcard for Eleanor Dean, into WC playoffs or anything else

It's not the LTA's way and her results so far have done nothing to merit it

But may well be wrong....

More chance one will got to a rank youngster like Hollie Smart (and obviously to players like Hep and Talia and Lauryn, who will probably need one, no?, and even some of the US college players)

But I do think Sophie D-Lewis will get one, to playoffs


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A point about the wildcards to goes to top ranked NCAA college player who signs in and is top 100 NCAA. This is Millie Rajecki, assuming she plays. However, if she gets in on wta ranking not needing a WC does that wc go to next NCAA player ? (there are 7 in the top 100).
I assume not, in which case isn't this unfair when the itf junior ranking WC go to next one down if those at top are already in, and show lta paying lip service to opportunities for college players?


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Spireman wrote:

A point about the wildcards to goes to top ranked NCAA college player who signs in and is top 100 NCAA. This is Millie Rajecki, assuming she plays. However, if she gets in on wta ranking not needing a WC does that wc go to next NCAA player ? (there are 7 in the top 100).
I assume not, in which case isn't this unfair when the itf junior ranking WC go to next one down if those at top are already in, and show lta paying lip service to opportunities for college players?

 It says it goes to the top ranked player signed in (for Wimbly playoffs)

Womens Wild Cards. 1 wild card from winning the Lexus British Tour Premier West Worthing 2 wild cards for the top 2 GB players on the ITF junior ranking list at 19 June having signed in (if either of the 2 highest ranked juniors have already won the Lexus Junior National Championships 18U Girls Singles 2024 & won a Qualifying wild card then the next highest ranked junior) 1 wild card for the top ranked NCAA player having signed in (subject to the player being in the NCAA top 100). If any of the above wild cards are not required or accepted the wild card will go back to the LTA Womens Performance Team 2 further discretionary wild card from the LTA Performance Team *


So I take that to be that, if Millie doesn't sign in for playoffs, because she knows she has a quali wildcard, then it does indeed go to the next one (as along as that one has signed in and is top-100)


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A bit randomly, and just for interest, here is the list of entrants for the play-offs in 2019

Naomi Broady [1/350] vs Sasha Hill [WC]
Amelia Rajecki [WC] vs Emily Appleton
Victoria Allen vs Alice Gillan
Matilda Mutavdzic [WC] vs Eden Silva [3/435]

Sam Murray [2/359] v Sonay Kartal [WC]
Em W-S vs Freya Christie
Destinee Martins [WC] v S Beth Grey
Alicia Barnett vs Tara Moore [4/466]


Futures level

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Withdrawals from the British Tour can sometimes be a good indication of who have play-off WCs. Allegra (who we know has a WC) and Gabia Paskauskas have withdrawn from Frinton since I looked yesterday, so Gabia may have a play-off WC? She was on my short-list. Hep is still in the draw in Frinton, as is Hollie Smart but 1 or both may get called if further places become available.

If Millie gets a qualifying WC (surely she must after this weekend?) then the WC for the highest ranked NCAA player becomes available for the next highest ranked to sign in. None of the other eligible women have been seen in any of the ITF or domestic events so can't see any of them signing in. The remaining eligible players, in order, are Vic Allen, Angelica Blake, Grace Piper, Sofia Johnson, Destinee Martins and Kylie Bilchev. That's probably another play-off WC that goes back to the LTA.


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Has Anna Brogan retired again for good, or does she have a long term injury? Not appeared on any lists for a long time.


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Good sleuthing Lambda.

Also worth mentioning Ilkley are only trying to complete round 1 singles and doubles tomorrow. So if Marni, Ranah or Ella (singles) or Lauryn (doubles) win they cannot also compete in the play-offs. I am presuming Marni will be on the qualifying wildcard list announced tomorrow given she's just outside top 250. But would Ranah have been in contention?


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alex03maccy wrote:

Has Anna Brogan retired again for good, or does she have a long term injury? Not appeared on any lists for a long time.

 Where's the Anna Brogan fan when you need them!? 



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Blue_Belle wrote:
alex03maccy wrote:

Has Anna Brogan retired again for good, or does she have a long term injury? Not appeared on any lists for a long time.

 Where's the Anna Brogan fan when you need them!? 

 I think that was Jaggy or Johnny Aitch wasnt it? She kept popping up in PoM votes rather randomly! 

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