35 Votes
9 777 3 1 1
JonH comes home wrote:35 Votes 9 777 3 1 1
A three way tie. More votes than January semi groups so far, which is good to see, and more time still to come.
36 Votes 10 777 3 1 1 last update before the morning - closes 9 am. 3 way tie for the second spot. Will it get broken overnight?!
36 Votes 10 777 3 1 1
36 Votes
10 777 3 1 1
last update before the morning - closes 9 am. 3 way tie for the second spot. Will it get broken overnight?!
37 Votes now
11 777 3 1 1
still a 3 way tie with just over 2 hours left to vote