J60 India
Yash Bahalkar lost in R1
J30 Ethiopia
Harry Cronhill won his R1 and lost in R2
J30 Togo
Daisy Clifford won R1 but lost in R2
But she's into the SFs in dubs
J30 Morocco
MatildaCabrera Burns lost in R1
J30 Norway
Henry Best won his R1 match
But Harry Lumb and Tom Chapman lost theirs
Coup Droit wrote:J30 Togo Daisy Clifford+ have made the final in dubs All else is finished, I think.....
J30 Togo Daisy Clifford+ have made the final in dubs All else is finished, I think.....
and Daisy and partner take the title in Togo!
One title might be enough as we should get something from Glasgow