thanks for the reports Mark - the crowds look small on centre court, are they or is it just when they were taken? I wondered how crowds appeared compared to previous years and the other challenger events we have seen this season?
thanks for the reports Mark - the crowds look small on centre court, are they or is it just when they were taken? I wondered how crowds appeared compared to previous years and the other challenger events we have seen this season?
I only was able to get there yesterday at around 6.30pm, and stayed for an hour. It was a quiet day, I heard them talking in the media pen yesterday how they'd sold roughly 300 tickets for Tuesday, but all of them in advance and only one(!) on the door. Today they've already sold 500 and another 100 on the door, and that was at 10.30am.
I'd say the crowd was fair for a Tuesday evening, but bear in mind that the stand you see opposite the one that the photos get taken from is usually less full because most people don't know where the entrance to it is!
thanks for the reports Mark - the crowds look small on centre court, are they or is it just when they were taken? I wondered how crowds appeared compared to previous years and the other challenger events we have seen this season?
I only was able to get there yesterday at around 6.30pm, and stayed for an hour. It was a quiet day, I heard them talking in the media pen yesterday how they'd sold roughly 300 tickets for Tuesday, but all of them in advance and only one(!) on the door. Today they've already sold 500 and another 100 on the door, and that was at 10.30am.
I'd say the crowd was fair for a Tuesday evening, but bear in mind that the stand you see opposite the one that the photos get taken from is usually less full because most people don't know where the entrance to it is!
I guess the weather makes a big difference, no one would have come on spec yesterday (well one person maybe!) with the rain, whereas today is a lovely sunny day around these parts.
Rough spell for Isabelle who served for the match, got broken, then worked really hard to get 0-40 and three MPs, before they evaporated rather quickly.
However, she then strung together a very solid sequence of points to recover from 0-40 down herself, and we're 6-5* in the final set and I think it's fair to say it is all very tense. I'm in awe of her fighting spirit, though.
Bolsova just hacking back into court and hoping (with some recent success) that Isabelle will miss.