Just one vote in the top 2 places; which should be quite exciting but we all know this will be a v slow burn!
As an aside, to the person who always votes last minute ( there is ALWAYS one late swooper!!). I set it as a 48 hour time scale in the poll set up and posted it just before 9 pm Sunday - so if it works, it should close down voting access somewhere just before 9, not at 9...so dont leave it to the last second ie 9 pm, as it is probably a few minutes earlier than that, dont get shut out and complain! I would recommend voting by 5 to 9 just to be safe!!
Seem to have just matched last January's 41 (hope you get at least one more in the last 45 minutes, Jon!), and the latest vote must have been for the leader, who appears to be 3 votes ahead now.
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!
Congrats to Andy Murray, his first PoM title on this forum, well deserved. And congrats to RU , Mark Ceban, both he and Andy go into PoS contention now (!).
Eliz Maloney takes 3rd place and the GB United Cup Team 4th.
Harking back to earlier comments, Eliz started off strongly and was v close to the top spot in the early running - I commented I was bamboozled and I still am as I really couldnt and cant see what got Eliz so many votes - it may be she has fans who will back her whatever, but I have looked back at her record and, well, just dont get it!!
I would really love to understand more about what people who voted for her saw - dont get me wrong, I voted Alfie and he got nowhere so clearly folks didnt get my voting direction either; but the other ones, I got the rationale, but Eliz just passed me by!