R2: GREY, Sarah Beth (GBR) 314 (CH=277 2022) v RADWANSKA, Ursula (POL) Q 465 (CH=29 2012)
They have met twice before, In Obidos in 2019 when Ursula won 2 & 4 and last week when Beth won in three.
She has points to defend true but then she has next year where she has nothing for 4 months to defend. A good finish to the season would be if she can sneak back in the top 300 and then she would be in a great position to go for Slam qualifying for next summer. When you consider the operation she had shes doing more than fine.
Many on here had her confined to the doubles wastelands. Looks like Emily Appleton heading for the same another confined by many on here.
Im always confused why players in their young to mid 20s are pushed on this path. Particularly the women who are still devolping physically until their mid 20s.
Anyway best of luck its a great chance to go deep.