The strategy of hosting W60, followed by a W25 and then a W100 doesnt seem to make much sense to me - completely different sets of players, Id have thought it benefits everyone much
More to have 3 similarly levelled events grouped together? Im sure someone will argue vehemently against me and suggest good reasons why 3 levels is good, but I dont get the logic !
Isn't that the point? To maximise opportunities for British players, you want to minimise overseas players by not offering an opportunity where its worth their while flying over and staying here for the block of tournaments.
Understand the point but not sure I agree. Firstly, if that was the plan, then the LTA has followed a different Strategy for all other events this season, they have all been blocks of 2 or usually 3 M/W 25 events for men and women. I think having blocks encourages our players to focus on them and participate and build up form and confidence. I cant say Ive checked the women, but the mens has had typically over half and maybe 3/4 of the draw as Brits. Splitting it into 3 different types of events loses that ability to focus. And the entry here in Glasgow hardly suggests the strategy has worked in terms of many Brits in the draws.
but it may well be that Liz Truss is developing the strategy in some way so we should all be confident !
Maia has a protected ranking. I thought Ranah had withdrawn earlier in the week.
Perhaps Anna Brogan who has withdrawn from the tournament overseas?
Anna withdrew from Sozopol on Wednesday - she did enter Glasgow but was an automatic withdrawal. So she may well have got a WC
I think withdrawn players are eligible for a WC whether automatic withdrawal or not. But yes, the fact that Ranah withdrew just in the last week probably means she won't be there and Anna is more likely.
Maia has a protected ranking. I thought Ranah had withdrawn earlier in the week.
Perhaps Anna Brogan who has withdrawn from the tournament overseas?
Anna withdrew from Sozopol on Wednesday - she did enter Glasgow but was an automatic withdrawal. So she may well have got a WC
I think withdrawn players are eligible for a WC whether automatic withdrawal or not. But yes, the fact that Ranah withdrew just in the last week probably means she won't be there and Anna is more likely.
Players can withdraw from a tournament to take a WC in a higher prize money tournament regardless of whether they entered. The ITF have to be notified of the WCs on Wednesday, but it may just be coincidence that is when she withdrew from the other tournament.
Deary me. Do you think that the acceptance list was that long a few weeks ago that some of the girls just didnt think they would have a chance of getting in? It will be good to see if the 25K at Loughborough and 100 K at Shrewsbury follow suit.
The 25K field is going to very interesting. Will quite a number of ( for a 25K ),very well ranked foreign players stick around in between the 60K and the 100K? And thus counterproductive to any alleged scheduling jiggery-pokery by the LTA?
25K points are relatively very decent and while the prize money isn't so hot they would save some money and hastle re not flying out and back in again.
Currently the 16th player on the 25K list has an entry ranking of 388 as against 308 for the 60K. Could be a few withdrawals from Loughborough of course but that looks strong just now.
Talia served twice for the first set. And was up in the tie-break. Some very nice backhands. Really was her set.....
But she's up now in the second, so fingers crossed
Emily App deserved the first set, just, but it was very, very close.....