But not so nice to draw the winner of Andra's match against Danni
I'm lost - Andra plays Veldman, the winner plays Danni, the winner of that plays Eto or the winner of Tothova v Coster - it's ages before we get anywhere near Kristina, no?
But not so nice to draw the winner of Andra's match against Danni
I'm lost - Andra plays Veldman, the winner plays Danni, the winner of that plays Eto or the winner of Tothova v Coster - it's ages before we get anywhere near Kristina, no?
But not so nice to draw the winner of Andra's match against Danni
I'm lost - Andra plays Veldman, the winner plays Danni, the winner of that plays Eto or the winner of Tothova v Coster - it's ages before we get anywhere near Kristina, no?
I was only refering to the QR2 match
Oh, I'm with you..... sorry ..... but Andra has to win the match first...... I think a WC into MD dwarfs the rest
I am not sure what is happening in Monastir. For an hour or two the Order of Play stood at 0-6 0-4. With Andra on the point of losing. The Draw and OOP now says 0-6 6-4. Is this a dramatic recovery by Andra after losing 10 games in a row?