Beth for me. An Emma-run through qualies to her first W25 title, a massive new career high due on 13/12/21 and a number of wins over higher ranked players.
So here is the thing - it looks like we have had just over 1000 visitors here in the past 24 hours; 24 hours ago, that number was 500+ , so a lot of additional visitors have come by in the past 24 hours, which is great. I am not egotistical enough to think the POM votes have brought them here (how would they even know?!) but I am also guessing many of those 1000 visitors have seen the votes.
The three voting polls have had 21, 23 and 25 voters so far which is fairly par for the course. But it shows a circa 2% voting ratio of people looking at the site to those voting.
Wouldn't it be great if for my last PoM polls, we could translate some of those 1000 plus people into voters ??? I would love to get 40 plus in total for the final, it would make my month!! And even better if some of those became board members (indeed, you have to be a board member to vote, so that is a good starting point!)
So, if you are a visitor looking at this and interested, why not get involved, sign up as a member and have a vote in the player of the month.
There will be a final to follow this and then later in the week we progress to the even more exciting Player of the Season poll (not an anointment, I promise you!).
I will be standing down from PoM and PoS at the end of this next week, once these are done (don't worry, Indy is picking up the baton) so it would make my day to see lots of involvement and maybe a record vote at some stage - highest we have ever had is 38 and I reckon 1000 people easily translates to 40 plus voters, don't you??!!