I also look at odds but don't bet. I presume those who set the odds look at utr values because I find they are a very good predictor. For example on the 2 decimal places utr values Freya is 11.28, Sonay is 11.11 and Emily Arb is also 11.11. This would predict close matches which could go either way. A win over anyone about 0.5 utr higher is a good win, and 1.00 higher is quite rare. Many of those in the sgh series have utrs of 9 or 10 to nearest integer, but there have been some 7 and 8s playing. If you can only see nearest whole number they now seem to be rounding to the first number, for those who are interested, eg 9.00 to 9.99 round to 9, etc.They used to round up so 8.50 to 9.49 were 9, etc.
I hadn't a clue about Abi Taylor heading into this, hadn't even heard her name, so hard to call. In reality, it's probably C.
Thanks for this Ace. I've been thinking a bit more about my having put Mpukusa and Stuart in the E group. I have seen them both play before and had been fairly unimpressed. Somehow I thought however that having ITF rankings and playing a lot would have made them better. What really struck me about their Pro-Series event scores is that they seem so much inferior to almost all the other competitors. In reality they got intp these events only because of their ITF rankings and it is those rankings which are mis-leading. Thus, on further reflection, I think you were right in grading their performances as C.