Well done Heather. She deserved to win this week with the way she was playing. I hope she can keep going like this for the rest of the year.
nickw811 wrote:A little something I wrote about Watson's victory :) thebigracket.co.uk/2019/08/19/three-things-we-learnt-following-heather-watsons-vancouver-open-victory/
A little something I wrote about Watson's victory :) thebigracket.co.uk/2019/08/19/three-things-we-learnt-following-heather-watsons-vancouver-open-victory/
I'm quite possibly being ignorant, but who is Heather with in that big picture?
And yes good article Nick, interesting to see more about her post US Open plans; at least we know hers, even if we don't know Jo's
paulisi wrote:Is it Rob Morgan?
Is it Rob Morgan?
Yes it is.
flamingowings wrote:paulisi wrote:Is it Rob Morgan? Yes it is.
Thanks both. He was with Team Bath, is that where he still is, or is he supporting Heather now?
Mervatron2 wrote:WOW. How did I miss this? Go Hev
WOW. How did I miss this? Go Hev