Well I've just watched some of the replay of Kyle's match. The commentator just seemed to think Medvedev was outstanding from the off but Kyle also seemed to be totally flat from the off. Such a drubbing. There must be a bit more explanation for this I feel?
Murray and Lopez played a shocker of a tiebreak. Got ahead early, then started making errors, an easy Murray volley, an easy Lopez volley and then a Murray double fault. Nightmare. I can't but think it devalues doubles as a sport when nearly every match comes down to just a few points in the MTB. Perhaps they should play 3 shorts sets or FAST4 or something.
I'd prefer 3 'normal' sets but if for scheduling or whatever we must have a limiter I have never had that major a problem with MTBs.
Get the job done in 2 sets or you are in a MTB and then have to be solid and get the job done in that as opposed say to mucking up from good positions.
I have personally always had more fundamental issues with no ad in that I do like the at times toing and froing in a deuce game. And while I know you can get relatively very long deuce games I doubt that overall they would generally add too much time to matches.
Well I've just watched some of the replay of Kyle's match. The commentator just seemed to think Medvedev was outstanding from the off but Kyle also seemed to be totally flat from the off. Such a drubbing. There must be a bit more explanation for this I feel?
Agreed, so what are we calling this 3&0 display by Kedders?
Tired, lack luster, injured, out played, what?
I didn't see the game but was shocked at this scoreline. Relatively little reaction.